Tanggapan Fisiologis, Pertumbuhan, dan Hasil Serat Tanaman Abaka (Musa textilis Nee.) terhadap Kandungan Fosfor Tanah
Jihan Cahya Camelia, Eka Tarwaca Susila Putra, S.P., M.P., Ph.D.; Dr. Elly Syafriani, S.P.
2023 | Skripsi | AGRONOMI
Abaca is a crop whose pseudostems are used to make fiber. The research aim was to determine the effect of end soil available P content on the physiological activities, growth, and fiber yield of abaca. Field experiment was carried out in September 2022 - March 2023 on abaca plantations located in Ngemplak, Pakem, and Cangkringan, while tissue and soil samples analysis were carried out at Plant Production Management Laboratory and Soil Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Field experiment was arranged with nested design, and end soil available P contents were nested to locations. Variables observed were microclimate characteristics, soil physical and chemical properties, tissue P content and uptake, physiological activities, growth and fiber yield of abaca. Data were then analyzed with covariance analysis (ANCOVA), if there were significant differences among treatments then proceed with Tukey Test at ? 5% levels. The research showed that end soil available P contents in planting media at three research sites were varies. The end soil available P content of 8.18 mg/kg (Ngemplak) causes abaca to have higher physiological activities, growth and fiber yield when compared to end soil available P contents of 11.85 mg/kg (Pakem) and 31.38 mg/kg (Cangkringan).
Kata Kunci : abaka, P, fisiologi, pertumbuhan, serat