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Presepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Fasilitas Publik (Studi kasus Trotoar di Jalan Cik Di Tiro dan Jalan Jendral Sudirman)

Wili Lumintang, Dr. Ambar Teguh Sulistiyani, M.Si.


Trotoar memiliki fungsi utama untuk pejalan kaki. Praktik menyimpang yang berupa pengalihan fungsi trotoar menjadi isu fundamental yang menghadapi permasalahan serius. Hak-hak pejalan kaki yang sah seringkali terabaikan ketika trotoar, yang biasanya digunakan untuk berjalan, digunakan untuk tujuan lain. Terutama, ini sangat mengganggu di lokasi-lokasi yang seringkali digunakan oleh masyarakat untuk berjalan kaki. Gangguan ini sangat dirasakan apalagi jika berada di kawasan/pusat perbelanjaan, pasar,  kawasan ekonomi, pusat pelayanan publik, tempat berkumpul, dan pusat pendidikan. Alih fungsi trotoar di sekitar wilayah tersebut seharusnya mendapatkan perhatian oleh pemerintah. Penting diusahakan agar pejalan kaki dapat berjalan dengan nyaman dan aman serta tanpa menemui hambatan.  Akan tetapi pada kenyataannya justru di wilayah-wilayah tersebut yang seringkali menjadi sumber gangguan bagi mereka yang berjalan kaki.
Metode penelitian kualitatif digunakan dalam penelitian dengan mengkhususkan pada pendekatan studi kasus. Pendekatan studi kasus dalam penelitian ini adalah sebuah metode penelitian dengan cara menyelenggarakan serangkaian kegiatan ilmiah dengan runtut dan sistematis melalui pengematan yang cermat, mendalam, dan terperinci terhadap suatu obyek yang diteliti, yakni tentang fungsi trotoar. Pendekatan studi kasus tersebut memiliki tujuan guna mendapatkan seperangkat pemahaman bersifat mendalam tentang peristiwa tersebut, khususnya mengenai persepsi pengguna trotoar atas fungsi secara eksisting.
Dalam studi mengenai Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Fasilitas Publik, yang berupa trotoar hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa sebagaian besar informan mengakui pada prinsipnya adanya fasilitas trotoar sangat penting dan dibutuhkan. Diperlukan fasilitas trotoar yang memadai bagi para pejalan kaki. Trotoar diharapkan dapat berperan sebagai jalur yang aman dan nyaman sehingga dapat diakses dengan mudah untuk menuju suatu lokasi. Pada kenyataannya di trotoar penggal jalan Cik Di Tiro dan penggal jalan Soedirman banyak digunakan untuk beberapa bangunan permanen, semi permanen dan no permanen, seperti warung, kaki lima, bengkel, halte bis, sehingga kurang nyaman dan kurang aman untuk pejalan kaki.
Keberadaan dari fasilitas trotoar ini dimaksudkan sebagai alat yang dapat membantu meningkatkan mobilitas masyarakat khususnya para pejalan kaki, agar dapat berpindah dari satu tempat ke tepat tujuan yang lain dengan nyaman, cepat serta terjaga keselamatannya. Khususnya di kawasan perkotaan dengan tingkat kepadatan penduduk yang tinggi diimbangi dengan kebutuhan angkutan massal, bahkan juga memiliki kepadatan lalu lintas yang tinggi, maka trotoar memiliki fungsi yang fundamental untuk memberikan akses pejalan kaki agar aman. Dengan adanya aktivitas penjualan jasa dan perdagangan di trotoar maka menjadi pengurang bagi kemanan dan kenyamanan pejalan kaki.

Sidewalks have the main function for pedestrians. The deviant practice of sidewalk diversion is a fundamental issue that faces serious problems. The legitimate rights of pedestrians are often overlooked when sidewalks, which are normally used for walking, are used for other purposes. This is especially disruptive in locations that are frequently used by the public for walking. This is especially true in shopping areas, markets, economic areas, public service centers, gathering places, and education centers. The conversion of sidewalks around these areas should receive attention by the government. It is important that pedestrians can walk comfortably and safely without encountering obstacles.  However, the reality is that these areas are often a source of disturbance for those on foot.
Qualitative research methods are used in research by specializing in a case study approach. The case study approach in this research is a research method by organizing a series of scientific activities coherently and systematically through careful, in-depth, and detailed observations of an object under study, namely the function of sidewalks. The case study approach aims to obtain a set of in-depth understanding of the event, especially regarding the perception of sidewalk users on the existing function.
In the study of Public Perceptions of Public Facilities, in the form of sidewalks, the results show that most informants admit that in principle the existence of sidewalk facilities is very important and needed. Adequate sidewalk facilities are needed for pedestrians. Sidewalks are expected to act as a safe and comfortable route so that they can be accessed easily to get to a location. In reality, the sidewalks on Cik Di Tiro and Soedirman roads are used for several permanent, semi-permanent and non-permanent buildings, such as stalls, street vendors, workshops, bus stops, making them less comfortable and less safe for pedestrians.
The existence of this sidewalk facility is intended as a tool that can help increase community mobility, especially pedestrians, so that they can move from one place to another destination comfortably, quickly and safely. Especially in urban areas with high population density balanced with the need for mass transportation, and even high traffic density, sidewalks have a fundamental function to provide safe pedestrian access. The presence of service sales and trading activities on sidewalks is a detriment to pedestrian safety and comfort.
Starting from the public perception of the function of the sidewalk, which has undergone many changes and shifts, several steps should be taken to restore the function of the sidewalk. The government should take efforts to coordinate and develop cross-sectoral cooperation that is closely related to public facilities in the form of sidewalks. This cooperation can be mobilized between the Department of Transportation, the Department of Public Works, PLN, the Department of Cooperatives and MSMEs in charge of community businesses including street vendors, the Pamomg Praja Police Unit equipped with Kemantren and Kelurahan with an interest in sidewalk management. It is important to coordinate and maintain a more open communication relationship, full of transparency, and provide ongoing commitment between these agencies, so that monitoring and evaluation of sidewalk functions can be facilitated properly. This can be used as the main key to prevent overlapping roles and authorities in regulating sidewalk functions.  In addition, cross-sector coordination can also overcome potential policy conflicts that may arise as a result of handling sidewalk function change.
Through this close cooperation among various related government agencies, the process of controlling the conversion of sidewalk functions that have been occurring will be well controlled, the arrangement of street vendors, bus stops, stalls, workshops can be minimized to minimize their impact on pedestrians. Close coordination between sectors on the other hand can also produce synergy in the implementation of renovation or repair and maintenance of sidewalks in a programmed and integrated manner. Each related agency should be able to contribute proportionally in accordance with its main tasks and functions.

Kata Kunci : Public perception, Public facilities, Government attention, Yogyakarta

  1. S1-2023-399253-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-399253-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-399253-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-399253-title.pdf