Penilaian Indeks Hemeroby di Kawasan Situs Sangiran
Mirza Ibrohim, Dr.rer.nat. Muhammad Anggri Setiawan, M.Si
Kawasan Situs Sangiran memiliki nilai penting berupa
temuan arkeologi serta landscape yang
perlu dilindungi dan dilestarikan dari aktivitas antropogenik. Situs Sangiran
perlu penilaian dampak usikan aktivitas antropogenik/hemeroby terhadap nilai penting untuk menyatakan status kawasan.
Indeks hemeroby diadaptasi untuk
menilai status landscape Situs Sangiran
secara kuantitatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menunjukkan nilai dan variasi
tingkat usikan lahan di Situs Sangiran; dan (2) menghitung indeks usikan lahan
di Situs Sangiran.
Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di Kawasan Situs Sangiran
seluas 59,21 Km2. Skala pemetaan menggunakan 1:20.000
dengan unit analisis bentuklahan. Data utama yang digunakan berupa peta
penggunaan lahan tahun 2016, foto udara tahun 2016, dan peta geomorfologi,
serta data pendukung seperti temuan fosil, lahan terpilih, dan aktivitas
antropogenik. Survei lapangan dilakukan untuk memvalidasi penggunaan lahan dan
aktivitas antropogenik eksisting.
Penilaian derajat hemeroby
menghasilkan 4 variasi derajat dari 7, yaitu Mesohemerobic, ?-Euhemerobic, ?-Euhemerobic, dan
Metahemerobic. Tiga derajat lainnya seperti Ahemerobic, Oligohemerobic, dan
Polygohemerobic tidak ditemukan pada karakteristik penggunaan lahan di Situs
Sangiran. Sedangkan untuk penilaian indeks hemeroby menghasilkan kelas indeks
usikan 5 – ?-Euhemerobic, 6 – Polyhemerobic,
dan 7 – Metahemerobic. Adapun indeks yang mendominasi adalah 6 – Polyhemerobic.
Secara umum indeks hemeroby lebih tinggi pada bentuklahan perbukitan (Lereng
Bergelombang ringan, Igir Landai, Lereng Kaki Bergelombang berat, Lereng Kaki
Landai) dibandingkan lembah (Lembah Sungai Bergelombang ringan, Aluvial Landai,
Dataran Banjir Bergelombang ringan, Lembah Sungai Bergelombang Berat). Pola
indeks hemeroby yang tinggi pada bentuklahan perbukitan dan lembah sungai juga
bersesuaian dengan hasil temuan fosil.
The Sangiran Site area has important values in the form of
archaeological findings and landscapes that need to be protected and preserved
from anthropogenic activities. The Sangiran site needs an assessment of the
impact of anthropogenic/hemeroby activities on important values to declare the
status of the area. The hemeroby index was adapted to quantitatively assess the
landscape status of the Sangiran site. This study aims to (1) show the value
and variation of land disturbance levels at the Sangiran Site; and (2)
calculating the land disturbance index at the Sangiran Site.
The research location was carried out in the Sangiran Site Area
covering an area of 59.21 Km2. The mapping scale uses 1:20,000 with a unit of
analysis of the landform. The main data used is in the form of 2016 High
Resolution Satellite Imagery, 2016 land use maps and geomorphological maps, as
well as supporting data such as fossil finds, selected land, and anthropogenic
activities. Field surveys were conducted to validate existing land use and
anthropogenic activities.
Assessment of the degree of hemeroby produces 4 variations of degrees out of 7, namely Mesohemerobic, ?-Euhererobic, ?-Euhererobic, and Metahemerobic. Three other degrees such as Ahemerobic, Oligohemerobic, and Polygohemerobic were not found in the characteristics of land use at the Sangiran Site. As for the assessment of the hemeroby index, it produces class indexes of 5 – ?-Euhemerobic, 6 – Polyhemerobic, and 7 – Metahemerobic. The dominating index is 6 – Polyhemerobic. In general, the hemeroby index is higher in hilly landforms (lightly undulating slopes, sloping ridges, heavy undulating foot slopes, sloping foot slopes) compared to valleys (lightly undulating river valleys, sloping alluvial, mildly undulating floodplains, heavily undulating river valleys). The pattern of high hemeroby index in hilly landforms and river valleys is also in accordance with the results of fossil findings.
Kata Kunci : usikan lahan, derajat hemeroby, indeks hemeroby, Situs Sangiran, land disturbance, degree of hemeroby, hemeroby index, Sangiran site