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Repurchase Intention of Food Souvenir Bakpia: The Case of Domestic Tourists in Yogyakarta

Natasha Michelle Evangeline, Bayu Aji Aritejo, S.E., M.M., M.Si., Ph.D.

2023 | Skripsi | MANAJEMEN

Di Indonesia, kegiatan berbelanja yang dijadikan buah tangan untuk keluarga dan teman telah menjadi budaya yang populer dengan istilah "oleh-oleh." Penelitian ini mendalami pola perilaku pembelian ulang pada wisatawan domestik Indonesia, khususnya berkaitan dengan souvenir makanan khas Yogyakarta, yaitu bakpia. Penelitian ini menginvestigasi atribut-atribut produk, persepsi nilai sebagai oleh-oleh dan pandangan terhadap praktik memberi hadiah sebagai variable yang berpotensi memengaruhi kecenderungan pembelian ulang. Sampel penelitian melibatkan 214 responden, terdiri dari 86 pria dan 128 wanita, dengan analisis data dilakukan menggunakan alat bantu SMARTPLS 4.0. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa atribut-atribut produk seperti kualitas, simbol, dan praktikalitas memberikan pengaruh positif terhadap persepsi nilai sebagai oleh. Namun, atribut inovasi ternyata tidak memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap persepsi nilai sebagai oleh-oleh. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa inovasi mungkin kurang berpengaruh karena wisatawan cenderung mencari nilai otentisitas daripada unsur kebaruan. Selanjutnya, persepsi nilai sebagai oleh-oleh memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap intensi pembelian ulang. Sementara itu, sikap memberi hadiah tidak memiliki dampak signifikan pada kekuatan hubungan antara kedua variabel tersebut. 

Shopping has become an essential part of tourism activity and one of the highest expenditures. In Indonesia, shopping for souvenirs designated as gifts for family and friends is a cultural practice, famously known as oleh-oleh. This research examines Indonesian domestic tourists repurchase intention as a gift towards bakpia. This research uses product attributes, perceived value as a gift, and attitude towards gift giving as variables that may influence repurchasing behavior. A total of 214 respondents, consisting of 86 men and 128 women were studied and analyzed using SMARTPLS 4.0. The research found that product attributes such as quality, symbol, and practicality positively influence the customer's perceived value as a gift. Meanwhile, innovation has failed to prove a significant effect on the customer's perceived value as a gift. This indicates that innovation may be perceived as less important attributes as tourists are seeking more authenticity rather than novelty. The perceived value of bakpia as a gift has positively influenced the repurchase intention of bakpia as a gift, and attitude towards gift giving did not significantly impact the strength of the relationship between the two variables. This shows that the level of attitude towards gift giving does not affect the level of willingness to repurchase the products. This research may be used as a source for researchers and food souvenirs business owners to understand the repurchase behavior of Indonesian domestic tourists. 

Kata Kunci : product attributes, perceived value as a gift, repurchase intention as a gift, gift-giving behavior, souvenir purchase, domestic tourist, tourism.

  1. S1-2023-438360-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-438360-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-438360-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-438360-title.pdf