Gambaran Tingkat Pengetahuan dan Sikap Peternak Unggas Terhadap Penggunaan Antibiotik pada Hewan Ternak di Kabupaten Sleman
Tishi Alisya, Dr. apt. Nunung Yuniarti, M.Si.; Dr. apt. Ika Puspita Sari,M.Si.
2023 | Skripsi | FARMASI
The high level of consumption of poultry products in Indonesia encourages breeders to maximize the productivity of their livestock. The use of antibiotics as AGP (Antibiotic Growth Promoter) is carried out to spur growth in livestock so that livestock can grow faster and optimally. The use of antibiotics that are excessive and not as recommended can cause residues in the livestock products and can increase the incidence of antibiotic resistance. This study aims to describe the level of knowledge and attitudes of poultry farmers towards the use of antibiotics in livestock in Sleman Regency and their relationship to the characteristics of the respondents.
This research was conducted using a cross-sectional method with a convenience sampling technique. Retrieval of data using a questionnaire. Respondent criteria in this study were poultry farmers who are domiciled in Sleman Regency, aged 18-70 years and willing to be respondents. Data were analyzed using Spearman's rho.
The results obtained were as much as 65% of respondents had a high knowledge category. While in the attitude category as much as 55% of respondents have a good attitude towards the use of antibiotics in livestock. There is no relationship between gender (p = 0.952), age (p = 0.775), place of residence (p = 0.176), last education (p = 0.094), number of livestock (p = 0.089), length of time being a farmer (p = 0.216) to the level of knowledge. There is no relationship between gender (p = 0.864), age (p = 0.057), place of residence (p = 0.609), last education (p = 0.077), and farmer's attitude. However, there is a relationship between the number of livestock (p = 0.032) and length of time being a farmer (p = 0.023) on the attitude of poultry farmers towards the use of antibiotics in livestock.
Kata Kunci : Antibiotik, Unggas, Resistensi, Pengetahuan, Sikap