Aplikasi Penginderaan Jauh dan Sistem Informasi Geografis Untuk Estimasi Produksi Padi Berdasarkan Transformasi Indeks dan Aspek Kesesuaian Lahan di Kabupaten Pati
Muhammad Abdussalam, Dr. Sigit Heru Murti B.S, S.Si., M.Si.
Rice plants are one of the important commodities because they are the main source of food for most people in Indonesia. Supervision of rice production needs to be carried out so that production is controlled and does not experience scarcity, including in Pati Regency. The availability of rice production can be known by estimating production. Remote sensing is one alternative approach to determine the estimated value of rice production because this approach is considered more efficient. Sentinel 2A MSI level 2A image is one of the images that can be used to determine rice production because it has a spatial resolution of up to 10 m and is suitable for vegetation studies. This study generally aims to determine the accuracy of MSI sentinel 2A level 2A imagery in mapping the use of rice fields and non-rice fields as a basis for production estimates, determine the level of suitability of rice crop land in the study area, and analyze differences in production estimation results based on the index transformation approach and land suitability. The area of this research study is the Pati Regency area. The method applied to the land cover classification process is using the maximum likelihood algorithm. Classified land cover data will be linked to landform data so that land use data is obtained. Modeling of rice production estimation is carried out with two approaches, namely the index transformation approach with vegetation indices NDVI, SAVI, ARVI, and EVI. While the other approach is the approach of land suitability with physical parameters in the form of slope, soil depth, surface rock, altitude, and climate parameters in the form of rainfall and air temperature. The results obtained in this study are the overall accuracy of mapping rice fields and non-rice fields using Sentinel 2A MSI level 2A is 88.15% with a kappa value of 0.85. The rice land suitability class in Pati Regency is dominated by S1 and S2 classes. The results of rice production estimation using index transformation resulted in a rice production value of 565034.96 tons while in the land suitability approach resulted in an estimated rice production value of 568620.45 tons. Then the difference in the estimated results based on the transformation of the index with BPS data of Pati Regency is 23662.04 tons and the difference in rice production figures between the estimated production results based on aspects of land suitability with BPS data is 20076.55 tons.
Kata Kunci : Estimasi Produksi Padi, Sentinel 2A MSI Level 2A, Transformasi Indeks, dan Kesesuaian Lahan