Laporkan Masalah


Mohammad. Apriliansyah. Mokodongan, Dr. Ir. Radi, S.T.P., M. Eng. IPU, ASEAN Eng. ; Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Purwantana, M.Agr., IPU.

2023 | Skripsi | TEKNIK PERTANIAN

Penggunaan alat tanam tipe dorong cenderung kurang efisien dalam hal waktu, tenaga, dan akurasi penanaman biji-bijian. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan uji kinerja alat tanam bijian dengan penggerak traktor tangan untuk mengatasi kendala ini. Dengan harapan mampu meningkatkan produktivitas alat tanam biji-bijian. Peneilitan bertujuan mengamati kinerja alat tanam yang dimodifikasi dengan penggerak traktor tangan. Fokus pengamatan yaitu kapasitas lapang alat, hasil keluaran benih, kesesuaian penakar benih, dan permasalahan teknis. Metode penelitian melibatkan pengamatan langsung dan pengolahan data untuk mengukur efisiensi lapang alat. Efisiensi lapang alat dari tiap pengujian benih yaitu, benih jagung hibrida sebesar 89,64 persen, benih edamame 90,60 persen, dan benih kacang panjang 89,51 persen. Keluaran benih tunggal terbanyak adalah benih jagung hibrida dan edamame, mencapai 62,50 persen. Namun, benih edamame dan kacang panjang memiliki keluaran benih kosong yang tidak sesuai dengan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) alat penanam biji-bijian yaitu benih edamame 2,78 persen benih kacang panjang 3,47 persen. Saran penelitian mencakup pengembangan pengolahan lahan, dan penyesuaian untuk meningkatkan keseragaman benih yang akan diuji.

The use of push-type planting tools is relatively less efficient in terms of time, labor, dan accuracy of grain planting. Therefore, a performance test of a grains seeder by hand tractor driver was conducted to overcome this obstacle. With the hope of increasing the productivity of grain seeders. The research aims to observe the performance of modified planting tools with hand tractor drives. The focus of observation was on the field capacity of the tool, seed output, suitability of the seed metering device, and technical problems. The research method involved direct observation and data processing to measure the tool's field efficiency. The field efficiency of the tool from each seed test is 89.64 percent for hybrid corn seeds, 90.60 percent for edamame seeds, and 89.51percent for long bead seeds, The highest single seed output was hybrid corn and edamame seeds, reaching 62.50 percent. However, edamame and long beans seeds had empty seed output that did not comply with Indonesia National Standard (SNI) for grain planter tools, namely edamame seeds at 2.78 percent and long bean seeds at 3.47 percent. Research suggestions include developing the design of the tool frame to fit the contours of the land, improving land management, and making adjustments to improve the uniformity of the seeds to be tested.

Kata Kunci : hand tractor, device performance, grains seeder

  1. S1-2023-451086-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-451086-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-451086-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-451086-title.pdf