Analisis Pengaruh Model Geopotensial Global dari Data Satelit Gayaberat dan Hybrid terhadap Ketelitian Model Geoid Lokal (Studi Kasus: Pulau Kalimantan)
Hendra Noviantara, Prof. Ir. Leni Sophia Heliani, S.T., M.Sc., D.Sc., IPU.
2023 | Skripsi | TEKNIK GEODESI
The vertical reference used in Indonesia is the geoid model. The geoid is the actual gravity equipotential plane that globally coincides with mean sea level without disturbance. Local geoid modeling requires three components, namely the long-wavelength component, the medium-wavelength component, and the short-wavelength component. The long-wavelength component is the component with the largest contribution which is obtained from Global Geopotential Model (GGM) data. GGMs can be derived from satellite gravity data only or a combination of satellite gravity data and terrestrial measurements (hybrid). Currently, many of the latest GGMs satellite gravity only have been published. However, some of these models are not yet known for their accuracy for local geoid modeling in Indonesia, especially Kalimantan Island. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the effect of GGM variations on the accuracy of local geoid models on Kalimantan Island.
The GGMs used in this study are ten models, namely Tongji-GMMG2021S, GO_CONS_GCF_2_TIM_R6, GO_CONS_GCF_2_DIR_R6, Tongji-Grace02k, GOSG01S, IGGT_R1, GO_CONS_GCF_2_SPW_R5, ITU_GGC16, GGM05G, and EGM2008. The modeling was performed using medium-wavelength data from airborne and DTU17 gravity measurements and short-wavelength data from SRTM15_plus. The modeling is done using the Stokes integral with the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) approach. The calculation of the absolute accuracy of geoid model results uses validation control points from GNSS/levelling measurements of 264 points for East Kalimantan and 284 points for West Kalimantan.
The results showed that the local geoid pattern resulting from the MGG variation increased from west to east. The absolute accuracy resulting from each of the variations of the satellite gravity and hybrid MGG varies with values ? 8.74 cm for East Kalimantan, ? 7 cm for West Kalimantan, and ? 21.11 cm for the one island region. In addition, the most optimal MGG was produced by the model from EGM2008. Although based on the f-table statistical test at the 95% confidence degree, the accuracy of the geoid model from EGM2008 degree 280 is significantly different from the optimized model in West Kalimantan, namely Tongji-Grace02k. However, Tongji-Grace02k degree 180 has a lower accuracy and is significantly different from EGM2008 degree 280 in East Kalimantan and the whole Kalimantan Island. EGM2008 degree 280 produces a local geoid model accuracy of Kalimantan Island as a whole, East Kalimantan, and West Kalimantan of 14 cm, 7.06 cm, and 6.65 cm, respectively.
Kata Kunci : Geoid, Model Geopotensial Global, Stokes, Ketelitian Absolut