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Analisis Dampak Relokasi Pasar Tradisional Kanigoro terhadap Strategi Penghidupan Pedagang Perempuan di Kecamatan Kanigoro Kabupaten Blitar

Irza Nadilla Alifia Setiadi, Alia Fajarwati, S.Si., M.IDEA.


Pemindahan Ibu Kota Kabupaten Blitar dari wilayah administrasi Kota Blitar ke wilayah administrasi Kabupaten Blitar, tepatnya di Kecamatan Kanigoro menyebabkan adanya penataan ruang dan penataan fasilitas publik kembali, termasuk relokasi Pasar Tradisional Kanigoro. Relokasi pasar dilakukan dari lokasi strategis di pusat kecamatan ke lokasi kurang strategis, yaitu di kawasan persawahan batas sebelah selatan Kelurahan Satreyan. Hal ini kemudian membentuk faktor kerentanan berupa guncangan terhadap para pedagang Pasar Tradisional Kanigoro, khususnya pedagang sayur perempuan yang bertempat di dalam pasar induk karena ditambah dengan adanya peningkatan kompetitor.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi aset-aset dan strategi penghidupan pedagang sayur perempuan di Pasar Tradisional Kanigoro terhadap penghidupan pedagang sayur perempuan, serta menganalisis penghidupan pedagang sayur perempuan terdampak relokasi pasar sebagai faktor kerentanan penghidupan tambahan dari perspektif gender. Informan penelitian ini adalah sembilan pedagang sayur perempuan yang bertempat di dalam pasar induk yang didapatkan melalui teknik purposive sampling. Teknik analisis yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dan deskriptif kualitatif.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa relokasi Pasar Tradisional Kanigoro secara umum berdampak negatif terhadap aset-aset penghidupan, serta menunjukkan pula adanya adaptasi strategi penghidupan kembali dari para pedagang sayur perempuan tersebut (tiga dari sembilan Informan mengalami perubahan tingkat strategi penghidupan). Pedagang sayur perempuan dalam penelitian ini tidak memiliki banyak pilihan terhadap akses pekerjaan selain berdagang karena kurangnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan, hasil akhir dari adanya subordinasi terhadap kaum perempuan. Ditemukan juga mereka mengalami beban ganda akibat adanya kewajiban melaksanakan tugas produktif dan reproduktif, bahkan beban lipat tiga bagi para kepala keluarga perempuan karena adanya peran di ranah publik. 

The Capital City of Blitar Regency relocation from the administrative area of Blitar City to the administrative area of Blitar Regency, specifically in Kanigoro District resulted in spatial replanning and public facilities rearrangement, including the relocation of Kanigoro Traditional Market. The market was relocated from a strategic location in the sub-district center to a less strategic location, namely in the rice field area on the southern border of Satreyan Village. This relocation creates a vulnerability context in the forms of shock that impacts the Kanigoro Traditional Market traders, especially the female vegetable traders located in the main market due to the increase in competitors. 

This study aims to identify the assets and livelihood strategies of female vegetable traders in Kanigoro Traditional Market before and after the relocation occurred, analyze the impact of the Kanigoro Traditional Market relocation towards the female vegetable traders’ livelihoods, and analyze the livelihoods of female vegetable traders affected by market relocation as an additional vulnerability factor of livelihood from the gender perspective. The informants of this study were nine female vegetable traders located in the main market who were obtained through a purposive sampling technique. The analytical techniques used in this study were descriptive quantitative and descriptive qualitative. 

The study showed that the Kanigoro Traditional Market relocation generally has negative impacts towards livelihood assets, and also showed that there were livelihood strategies readaptations of the female vegetable traders (three out of nine informants experienced changes in the level of livelihood strategies). The female vegetable traders in this study had limited accessibility to other jobs except trading due to lack of knowledge and competence, the end result of subordination towards women. It was also found that female vegetable traders experience a double burden due the obligation to carry out productive and reproductive works, even a triple burden due to the added role in the public scene, especially for the female family heads.

Kata Kunci : Pasar Tradisional Kanigoro, relokasi, pedagang, perempuan, konteks kerentanan, penghidupan, strategi penghidupan, gender

  1. S1-2023-445078-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-445078-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-445078-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-445078-title.pdf