Penilaian Kerentanan Bangunan Terhadap Bencana Tsunami Menggunakan Model PTVA-4 di Desa Pesanggaran Banyuwangi
Firdaus Alif Rachmadan, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Djati Mardiatno, M.Si.
Indonesia is situated at the intersection of three active tectonic plates that form subduction routes. Indonesia is vulnerable to natural disaster, especially tsunamis, because of its geological circumstances. A natural disaster that poses a hazard to coastal communities is tsunamis. Indonesia frequently experiences tsunamis, one of which struck the southern Banyuwangi Regency shore in 1994. Pesanggaran Banyuwangi Village's coastal region is densely populated with building for a variety of purposes, including residential, commercial, socio-cultural, and religious. Building density along coastlines raises disaster risk, which is in turn determined by how vulnerable individual buildings are to natural disasters. As a result, the study's two main objectives are to map and describe the tsunamis inundation zone, vulnerability of buildings, building vulnerability depending on the function of the building to the tsunami disaster in the coastal area of Pesanggaran Village.
The Papathoma Tsunami Vulnerability Assessment 4 (PTVA-4) model was employed in this study as a methodology. The tsunami inundation zone in the research area was also determined using Berryman's tsunami inundation modeling. The tsunami height scenario is based on research by Widiyantoro et al. (2020), which found that a tsunami might reach a height of 12 meters in the south of eastern Java Island.
Buildings in the research area have a Relative Vulnerability Index (RVI) rating that ranges from 0.62 to 3,47, according to the findings. This rating is divided into three categories of vulnerability: low, medium, and high. A total of 167 buildings are deemed to be lowly vulnerable, 63 as mediumly vulnerable, and 173 as highly vulnerable. Additionally, the susceptibility of buildings varies depending on the function of the building. This is caused by the structural state of each building, how they are distributed, and how much of the area was flooded by the tsunami.
Kata Kunci : Tsunami, Kerentanan, Bangunan, PTVA-4