Optimasi Isolasi dan Hidrolisis Protein Alga Coklat Sargassum sp.
Zahro Aulia Nisa, Dr. Tri Rini Nuringtyas, S.Si., M.Sc.
2023 | Skripsi | BIOLOGI
Alga laut merupakan salah satu sumber hayati yang kaya akan senyawa
bioaktif. Alga laut salah satu sumber penting makronutrien terutama protein dan
lipid, serta mikronutrien seperti vitamin dan mineral bersama dengan serat
makanan dan metabolit sekunder seperti polifenol. Eksplorasi potensi peptide
aktif belum banyak dilakukan pada alga laut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
mengetahui hidrolisat protein Sargassum sp. sebagai langkah awal
meningkatkan pemanfaatan makroalga. Cara kerja yang dilakukan secara beberapa
tahap yaitu pengambilan spesiemen Sargassum sp. di zona intertidal
Pantai Selatan Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. Sampel langsung dibawa ke laboratorium
dalam kondisi dinginuntuk ekstraksi protein. Sebelumnya sampel diuji proksimat
untuk mengetahui kandungan proteinnya. Proses menghasilkan hidrolisat protein
dilakukan dengan mengekstrak protein dalam buffer PBS, Tris HCl, dan ekstraksi
tanaman. Ekstrak kasar protein dikonfirmasi dengan pengecekan konsentrasi
protein dengan uji Bradford serta dirunning pada gel acrylamide
SDS-PAGE. Ekstrak kasar selanjutnya di digesti dengan trypsin dengan
perbandingan 1:40, 1:50 dan 1:60. Pada penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa pelarut
buffer yang paling baik digunakan yaitu buffer Tris HCl untuk isolasi Sargassum
sp. Hal ini dapat mempengaruhi profil protein yang dari hidrolisat protein Sargassum
sp. dengan menghasilkan presipitat protein yang tinggi daripada jenis buffer
yang lain.
Marine algae is a biological source that is
rich in bioactive compounds. Marine algae is an important source of
macronutrients, especially proteins and lipids, as well as micronutrients such
as vitamins and minerals along with dietary fiber and secondary metabolites
such as polyphenols. There has not been much exploration of the potential for
active peptides in marine algae. This research aims to determine the protein
hydrolyzate of Sargassum sp. as a first step to increase the use of macroalgae.
The work method is carried out in several stages, namely taking specimens of
Sargassum sp. in the intertidal zone of the South Coast of Gunungkidul,
Yogyakarta. Samples were immediately taken to the laboratory in cold conditions
for protein extraction. Previously, the sample was tested proximately to
determine its protein content. The process of producing protein hydrolyzate is
carried out by extracting protein in PBS buffer, Tris HCl, and plant
extraction. The crude protein extract was confirmed by checking the protein
concentration with the Bradford test and running on an SDS-PAGE acrylamide gel.
The crude extract was then digested with trypsin in a ratio of 1:40, 1:50 and
1:60. In this study, it was found that the best buffer solvent to use was Tris
HCl buffer for the isolation of Sargassum sp. This can affect the protein
profile of the Sargassum sp. protein hydrolyzate. by producing higher protein
precipitates than other types of buffer.
Kata Kunci : hidrolisat protein, Sargassum sp., ekstraksi, presipitasi