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Yudhanto Utomo, Dr.dr. Astuti, Sp.S(K); Dr.dr. Abdul Gofir, Sp.S(K)

2023 | Tesis-Spesialis | S2 Ilmu Penyakit Saraf

Terdapat sejumlah biomarka yang reliabel, cepat, mudah, dan murah sebagai

prediktor perburukan neurologis stroke iskemik akut yang juga memprediksi

luaran stroke jangka pendek dan panjang. Biomarka alternatif yang praktis

diperlukan guna membantu upaya deteksi dini dan tata laksana dini perburukan

stroke. Rasio stres hiperglikemia (SHR) adalah salah satu biomarka potensial

untuk menilai secara relatif suatu stres hiperglikemia. Penelitian SHR untuk

memprediksi perburukan defisit neurologis diperlukan. Studi ini merupakan

kohort retrospektif untuk menilai hubungan SHR (GDS/estimasi glukosa rerata)

dengan perburukan neurologis (Delta NIHSS>2) stroke iskemik akut serangan

pertama. Data diambil dari Registri Stroke pasien rawat inap Unit Stroke RSUP

Dr. Sardjito, Yogyakarta sejak Januari 2020-Desember 2022. Dari 207 subjek

yang memenuhi kriteria, terdapat 15,5% perburukan neurologis selama rerata

perawatan 5 hari. Sebagian besar subjek (85%) memiliki NIHSS pada derajat

ringan dan sedang (skor 0-15), dan nilai skor ASPECT >7 (78,3%). Grup dengan

DM sebanyak 32,9%. Hiperglikemia dan peningkatan SHR lebih banyak terjadi

pada grup DM. SHR dengan cut-off 1,147 berhubungan dengan perburukan

neurologis dengan sensitivitas 50?n spesifisitas 71,4% (OR=2,14, p=0,017).

Variabel hiperglikemia, DM, HbA1c, NIHSS baseline tidak berhubungan dengan

perburukan neurologis (p>0,05). Pada analisis subgrup, SHR dengan cut-off yang

sama memiliki hubungan signifikan (p<0 OR=3,77)>

DM. Variabel lain yang berhubungan degnan perburukan neurologis adalah

dislipidemia (OR=0,414, p=0,042) dan sepsis (OR=4,827, p=0,031).

There are a number of reliable, rapid, easy and inexpensive biomarkers as

predictors of neurological deterioration in acute ischemic stroke that also predict

short- and long-term stroke outcomes. In clinical setting, there is a need to

determine practical alternative biomarkers to assist in early detection and early

management of stroke deterioration. Stress hyperglycemia ratio (SHR) is one of

the potential biomarkers to assess relative stress hyperglycemia. A study to define

SHR as a predictor of neurological deterioration is needed. This study is a

retrospective cohort to assess the association between SHR (admission blood

glucose/estimated mean glucose) and neurological deterioration (Delta NIHSS>2)

in first-ever ischemic stroke. The study obtain data from the Stroke Registry of

hospitalized patients in the Stroke Unit of Dr.Sardjito General Hospital,

Yogyakarta since January 2020-December 2022. Of the 207 subjects who met the

criteria, there was 15.5% incidence of neurological deterioration during acute care

(mean 5 days). Most subjects (85%) had mild and moderate NIHSS (score 0-15),

and ASPECT score >7 (78.3%). The DM group was 32.9%. Hyperglycemia and

increased SHR were more prevalent in the DM group. SHR with a cut-off of

1,147 was associated with neurological deterioration with a sensitivity of 50% and

specificity of 71.4% (OR=2.14, p=0.017). Hyperglycemia, DM, HbA1c, and

baseline NIHSS had no significant association with neurological deterioration

(p>0,05). On subgroup analysis, SHR with the same cut-off had a significant

association (p<0 OR=3.77)>

associated with neurological worsening were dyslipidemia (OR=0.414, p=0.042)

and sepsis (OR=4.827, p=0.031).

Kata Kunci : hiperglikemia, perburukan neurologis, stroke iskemik

  1. SPESIALIS-2023-453527-abstract.pdf  
  2. SPESIALIS-2023-453527-bibliography.pdf  
  3. SPESIALIS-2023-453527-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. SPESIALIS-2023-453527-title.pdf