Modalitas Terapi Anti Inflamasi Terhadap Kadar CRP Pasien Coronavirus Disease-19 (Covid-19) Derajat Sedang Di Rsup Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta
Adhitya Pradana, Prof. Dr. dr. Nyoman Kertia, SpPD-KR; dr. Eko Budiono, SpPD-KP
2023 | Tesis-Spesialis | S2 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam
Latar Belakang Physalis angulata mengandung zat-zat anti-inflamasi serta memiliki aktifitas antivirus dan Curcuma xanthorrhiza memiliki kandungan curcumin yang berfungsi sebagai anti virus dan anti-inflamasi. Belum banyak diketahui dampak antiinflamasi kombinasi ekstrak physalis dan curcuma terhadap kadar CRP pasien covid 19 derajat sedang.
Metode Penelitian Penelitian dilakukan secara retrospektif, melibatkan 44 pasien yang terdiagnosa tahun 2020-2021 di RSUP Dr. Sardjito. Kombinasi ekstrak physalis dan curcuma diberikan per oral 3 kali sehari. Analisis statistik menggunakan uji univariat chi-square, fhiser exact, independent T-test. Hasil dinyatakan bermakna secara statistik p kurang dari 0.05.
Hasil Penelitian Pasien mendapat ekstrak physalis dan curcuma 53,7% kurang dari 60 tahun
Background Physalis angulata contains anti-inflammatory substances and has antiviral activity and Curcuma xanthorrhiza contains curcumin which functions as an anti-virus and anti-inflammatory. Not much is known about the anti-inflammatory impact of the combination of physalis and curcuma extracts on CRP levels of moderate degree 19 covid patients.
Research Methods The study was conducted retrospectively, involving 44 patients diagnosed in 2020-2021 at Dr. Sardjito Hospital. The combination of physalis and curcuma extracts was given orally 3 times a day. Statistical analysis using univariate chi square test, fhiser exact, independent T-test. Results were declared statistically significant if the p value was less than 0.05.
Results Patients received physalis and curcuma extracts as much as 53.7% with age less than 60 years, mean age 50 ± 14,17 years. A total of 68.3% of subjects were male, 26.8% of subjects had DM, 7.3% of subjects had heart disease, 24.4% of subjects had hypertension, 7.3% of subjects had obesity, 4.9% had malignancy. A total of 46.3% of subjects received corticosteroid therapy. Pre-therapy CRP levels within normal limits were 13.64% of subjects, while with post-therapy CRP levels within normal limits were 77.27% of subjects. Subanalysis results showed physalis extracts without corticosteroids compared to no curcuma and physalis extracts without corticosteroids on CRP normalization levels were p: 0.074. While curcuma and physalis extracts with corticosteroids compared without curcuma and physalis extracts with corticosteroids on CRP normalization levels were p: 0.057. Therapy without curcuma and physalis extracts with corticosteroids compared to therapy without curcuma and physalis extracts without corticosteroids on normalizing CRP levels was p: 0.173
Conclusion The combination of curcuma and physalis extracts and corticosteroids has no significant relationship to the normalization of CRP levels in covid 19 patients at Sardjito Hospital.
Kata Kunci : curcuma, physalis, CRP, kortikosteroid