Model Bisnis : Platform E-Commerce Untuk Produk Fesyen Bekas Bermerek Ternama
ARLINDA NIDIA CORINNA, Prof. Nurul Indarti, Sivilokonom, Cand Merc, Ph.D.,
2023 | Tesis | S2 Manajemen
Perubahan gaya hidup setelah pandemi menjadi salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan masyarakat Indonesia mengurangi intensitas belanja secara luring. Hal inilah yang menjadi latar belakang tren belanja pakaian melalui platform maupun marketplace, termasuk belanja produk fesyen bekas bermerek. Sudah satu dekade ini, banyak perusahaan berlomba-lomba menciptakan platform belanja produk fesyen bekas bermerek. Mulai dari platform dari Eropa, Amerika, bahkan UMKM di Indonesia sendiri. Untuk itu, peneliti ingin merancang model bisnis Prelova sebagai platform website jual-beli produk fesyen bermerek.
Tujuan pembuatan rancangan model bisnis ini adalah untuk menganalisis model bisnis kompetitor sebagai bisnis yang sudah berjalan untuk membuat model bisnis baru dalam menjual fesyen bekas bermerek, merancang model bisnis Prelova sebagai platform e-commerce pada produk fesyen bermerek berlabel bekas, menganalisis kelayakan model bisnis Prelova sebagai platform e-commerce pada produk fesyen bermerek berlabel bekas dari skenario normal
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan metode pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan survei. Pertanyaan wawancara disusun berdasarkan komponen Kanvas Model Bisnis. Informan wawancara dalam penelitian ini adalah pemilik bisnis Denai Thrift, Preloved Branded Surabaya dan Barkas Sleman sebagai kompetitor, sedangkan responden survei merupakan tujuh puluh calon pelanggan potensial yang dipilih dengan purposive sampling. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Analisis data kualitatif dilakukan menggunakan analisis konten, sedangkan analisis data kuantitatif dilakukan dengan menghitung nilai NPV, IRR, dan PP.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan model bisnis Prelova dipicu oleh adanya tren dan perubahan gaya hidup masyarakat Indonesia terhadap jual-beli produk fesyen bekas bermerek. Berdasarkan analisis kelayakan ekonomi yang dilakukan, diperoleh nilai NPV sebesar Rp195.809.889,92 nilai IRR sebesar 52%, dan nilai pengembalian selama tiga tahun lima bulan. Berdasarkan analisis non-ekonomi, pengembangan model bisnis ini akan berpengaruh pada aspek sosial dan budaya. Dengan demikian, dapat dikatakan pengembangan model bisnis ini layak dijalankan.
Lifestyle changes after the pandemic are one of the factors that have caused Indonesians to reduce the intensity of offline shopping. This is the background for the trend of shopping for clothes through platforms and marketplaces, including shopping for branded second-hand fashion products. For the past decade, many companies have been competing to create shopping platforms for branded second-hand fashion products. Starting from platforms from Europe, America, and even MSMEs in Indonesia itself. For this reason, researchers want to design the Prelova business model as a website platform for buying and selling branded fashion products.
The purpose of making this business model design is to analyze the competitor's business model as an existing business to create a new business model in selling second-hand fashion, designing the Prelova business model as an e-commerce platform for second-hand branded fashion products, analyzing the feasibility of the Prelova business model as an e- commerce platform on branded labeled fashion products second-hand from the normal scenario.
This research is qualitative research with data collection methods through interviews and surveys. The interview questions are structured based on the Business Model Canvas component. Interview informants in this study were business owners Denai Thrift, Preloved Branded Surabaya, and Barkas Sleman as competitors, while the survey respondents were seventy potential customers selected by purposive sampling. The data obtained were then analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Qualitative data analysis was carried out using content analysis, while quantitative data analysis was carried out by calculating the NPV, IRR, and PP values.
The results of the study show that the development of Prelova's business model was triggered by trends and changes in the lifestyle of the Indonesian people towards buying and selling branded second-hand fashion products. Based on the economic feasibility analysis carried out, an NPV value of IDR 195,809,889.92 was obtained, an IRR value of 52%, and a return value of three years and five months. Based on non-economic analysis, the development of this business model will affect social and cultural aspects. Thus, it can be said that the development of this business model is feasible.
Kata Kunci : Fesyen, Platform, dan E-Commerce