Ratna Kurniasari, Dr. dr. Andreasta Meliala, Dipl.PH., M.Kes., M.A.S.
Background: Based on Law No. 29 of 2004 concerning Medical Practice, a license to doctor practice or dentist can be issued for maximum of 3 places. Practicing in more than one place can help doctors to increase revenue, professionalism, patient access to health services. However, this can lead to conflicts of interest, fatigue, delays, inefficiencies that reduce the quality of health services (Moghri et al.,2016). Currently there is monoloyalty rule for doctors. Doctor monoloyalty is a rule that allows doctors to practice in one place (Pratama,2022). Doctors are considered to provide more optimal services so as to improve the quality of medical services by practicing monoloyalty. However, the practice of monoloyalty also raises concerns. Monoloyalty practices are expected to create doctors shortages and maldistribution. In addition, doctor's interests need to be considered (Khumaidi,2021).
Purpose: This study aims to examine the perceptions of Specialist at RSA UGM towards monoloyalty practices and identify the factors that corelate the perceptions of specialist towards monoloyalty.
Method: This study used a mixed method design. Quantitative method with cross-sectional. Qualitative data obtained from interviews. The research carried out at RSA UGM with 55 doctors for quantitative respondents and 6 doctors for qualitative respondents.
Results: the questionnaire results obtained were 43.6% Doctors chose to strongly disagree; 18.3% disagree; 25.5% neutral; 7.3% agree; and 3% strongly agree towards monoloyalty. Factors influencing perception were deepened through interviews and found factors such as age, gender, marital status, type of specialization, employment status, number of practice places, income, autonomy, workload, regulations, and access to health services.
Conclusion: The perceptions of specialist doctors at RSA UGM are mostly negative (disagree) with monoloyalty practices. The difficulty of implementing monoloyality lies in the gap between the doctor's expectations and the service provider's (hospital) offering. An alternative to improve the quality of service is to improve the conditions of the work environment, providing opportunities for doctors to improve their careers and knowledge to increase the motivation of doctors to work in the hospital.
Kata Kunci : monoloyalitas, persepsi dokter, Surat Izin Praktik, Praktik Dokter Spesialis, jumlah praktik dokter