Laporkan Masalah


Rachmawati, Dr. Ir. Latif Sahubawa, M. Si


Sosis ikan adalah salah produk olahan berbahan dasar daging lumat yang memiliki nilai
gizi tinggi dan banyak disukai konsumen. Pengolahan sosis menggunakan bahan baku
ikan nila merah yang ditambahkan tepung daun kelor untuk memperkaya komposisi gizi
dan khususnya beta karoten (pro vitamin A). Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui
karakteristik sosis nila merah yang ditambahkan tepung daun kelor. Metode penelitian
menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan: 0%; 0,9%; 1,7%;
dan 2,6%. Penambahan tepung daun kelor berpengaruh terhadap kandungan gizi sosis
dengan komposisi masing-masing: kadar air 42,75 - 57,18%; mineral 2,54 - 2,87%; lemak
0,91 -1,92%; protein 5,84 - 7,14?n beta karoten 270,84 - 4.086,98 ?g/100 gram. Dari
hasil uji hedonik, perlakuan p1 (tepung daun kelor 0,9%) menghasilkan sosis nila merah
yang paling disukai konsumen, dengan atribut warna 3,93; aroma 3,53; rasa 3,84; dan
tekstur 3,86. Tingkat kemunduran mutu sosis nilai merah pada pengamatan hari terakhir (hari ke-10) yang disimpan suhu dingin (4oC) berdasarkan parameter uji (TVB-N dan ALT) dinyatakan layak konsumsi.

Fish sausage is a food product made from crushed meat which has high nutritional

value and is much liked by consumers. Sausage processing uses raw materials (red

tilapia) which is added with Moringa leaf flour to enrich nutrition and especially

beta carotene (pro vitamin A). The aim of the research was to determine the

characteristics of red tilapia sausage added with Moringa leaf flour. The research

method used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments: 0%;

0.9%; 1.7%; and 2.6%. The addition of Moringa leaf flour affects the nutritional

content of sausages with the respective compositions: water content 42.75 -

57.18%; minerals 2.54 - 2.87%; fat 0.91 -1.92%; protein 5.84 - 7.14% and beta

carotene 270.84 - 4,086.98 ?g/100 grams. From the results of the hedonic test,

treatment p1 (0.9% Moringa leaf flour) produced red tilapia sausage which was

most liked by consumers, with a color attribute of 3.93; aroma 3.53; taste 3.84; and

texture 3.86. The quality rating level for red value sausages on the last day of

observation (10th day) which were stored at cold temperature (4°C) based on test

parameters (TVB-N and ALT) was declared suitable for consumption.

Kata Kunci : daging nila merah, tepung daun kelor, sosis, karakteristik/red tilapia meat, moringa leaf flour, sausage, characteristics

  1. S1-2023-442830-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-442830-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-442830-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-442830-title.pdf