Implementasi Sistem Manajemen Lalu Lintas pada Proyek Rekonstruksi Jalan Bts. Wates-Milir-Sentolo Kabupaten Kulon Progo
Akhmad Hafidz Atmaja, Ir. Heru Budi Utomo, M.T.
The development of time and the increasing population have an impact on the use of private and public vehicles, which is growing. The government continues to make efforts to improve roads on both small and large scales to enhance road user comfort. The reconstruction project of the Bts. Wates - Milir - Sentolo Road, located in the Kulon Progo Regency, will be evaluated based on a Road Safety Series called the Technical Guide for Safety at Road Work Locations (IndII).
This research was conducted through direct field observations to identify the implementation of traffic management systems in safety zones, including traffic signs and flagmen, applied to the reconstruction project of the Bts. Wates - Milir - Sentolo Road, located in the Kulon Progo Regency. The adequacy and placement distances will also be discussed and evaluated based on the Technical Guide for Safety at Road Work Locations (IndII).
The results of identifying the implementation of the traffic management system using the Technical Guide for Safety at Road Work Locations on safety zones involving traffic signs and flagmen indicate that the planned traffic management system that has been implemented at the project site can be categorized as appropriate according to the assessment calculations.
Kata Kunci : sistem manajemen lalu lintas, panduan teknis keselamatan di lokasi pekerjaan jalan, rambu lalu lintas, zona keselamatan, pemandu lalu lintas