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Government Public Health Communication in Creating Stunting Educational Messages Through Social Media

Brigitta Paula Putri, Adam Wijoyo Sukarno, S.IP., M.A.

2023 | Skripsi | Ilmu Komunikasi

The development of digital media and social media provides facilities for the public, government agencies, and non-governmental organizations to conduct health communication in delivering education messages about stunting. Social media users can freely share health education messages on their Instagram accounts while still paying attention to the policies set by Instagram. This study uses a qualitative content analysis method to map message content to stunting prevention educational content. The object of research in this study are 11 posts on the @genbestid Instagram account feeds managed by The Directorate General of Information and Public Communication department of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics Republic of Indonesia. The researchers used two concepts in this research, namely the educational aspect according to Waluyo et al (2018), and the visual aspect through visual communication design theory according to Cenadi (1999). Based on the analysis that has been done, it is known that Instagram social media can be a medium for conducting health education about stunting. The eleven contents succeeded in realizing visualization based on visual communication design theory and incorporating educational aspects according to Waluyo et al in both visual content and text in the description box.

The development of digital media and social media provides facilities for the public, government agencies, and non-governmental organizations to conduct health communication in delivering education messages about stunting. Social media users can freely share health education messages on their Instagram accounts while still paying attention to the policies set by Instagram. This study uses a qualitative content analysis method to map message content to stunting prevention educational content. The object of research in this study are 11 posts on the @genbestid Instagram account feeds managed by The Directorate General of Information and Public Communication department of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics Republic of Indonesia. The researchers used two concepts in this research, namely the educational aspect according to Waluyo et al (2018), and the visual aspect through visual communication design theory according to Cenadi (1999). Based on the analysis that has been done, it is known that Instagram social media can be a medium for conducting health education about stunting. The eleven contents succeeded in realizing visualization based on visual communication design theory and incorporating educational aspects according to Waluyo et al in both visual content and text in the description box.

Kata Kunci : Educational Content, Generasi Bersih dan Sehat Campaign, Government Health Communication, Instagram, Visual Communication Design

  1. S1-2023-440505-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-440505-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-440505-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-440505-title.pdf