Laporkan Masalah


Muhammad Furqon Hendrata, Dr. Budiawan

2023 | Tesis | S2 Kajian Budaya dan Media

Pada masa pandemi Covid-19, pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK) terjadi di mana-mana, dan dari dampak tersebut muncullah banyak pelatihan kompetensi untuk menjadi opsi para pihak yang terkena PHK maupun para pencari kerja mendapatkan skill dan sertifikat dari pelatihan kompetensi. Jenis akademi pelatihan kompetensi memang bermacam-macam. Salah satu yang penulis bahas adalah Akademi RevoU. Akademi tersebut menawarkan pelatihan yang biayanya tidaklah murah, mulai dari tiga belas juta rupiah hingga tiga puluh juta rupiah. Dengan harga tersebut, terdapat tawaran pada peserta mendapatkan jaminan uang kembali bila peserta tersebut tidak mendapatkan kerja. Praktik pemasaran yang dilakukan RevoU pun terbilang masif. Hal ini  dilakukan dengan batuan Instagram Ads, sehingga para pengguna media sosial yang mendapatkan iklan tersebut sudah menjadi target dari RevoU. 

Dengan konsep kapitalisme digital, penulis menganalisis apa yang terjadi pada akademi pelatihan kompetensi RevoU. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode etnografi digital, yakni antara lain dengan mengikuti pelatihan kompetensi serta wawancara mantan team leader RevoU dan alumni program full-stack digital marketing. Dari situ terlihat bagaimana kapitalisme digital beroperasi dalam Akademi RevoU, yang dalam banyak hal bersifat hegemonik.

Technological developments have a huge influence on capitalism. Initially, capitalism occurred within the physical world, however, as technology developed, it eventually entered the digital space. During the Covid-19 pandemic, layoffs (PHK) occurred everywhere, and this resulted in a lot of competency training emerging as an option for those affected by layoffs and job seekers to obtain skills and certificates from competency training. There are various types of competency training academies. One that the author discusses is RevoU. The academy offers training that is not cheap, starting from thirteen million rupiahs to thirty million rupiahs. With this price, there is an offer for participants to get a guaranteed refund if the participant does not get a job. Moreover, RevoU's marketing practices are massive, especially in social media where they targeted active social media users. To reach the audience, they often used digital advertisement services within platforms such as Instagram Ads as one of their marketing tactics.

From the beginning of the problem, the author analyzed the concept of digital capitalism that occurred at the RevoU competency training academy and used digital ethnography methods by participating in competency training and interviewing former RevoU team leaders and alumni of the full-stack digital marketing program. In fact, the practice of capitalism can be seen and if it continues to be perpetuated it will have an everlasting, hegemonic impact.

Kata Kunci : Digital Capitalism, Exploitation, Competence Training Academy, RevoU, Kapitalisme Digital, Eksploitasi, Akademi Pelatihan Kompetensi, RevoU.

  1. S2-2023-476366-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2023-476366-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2023-476366-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2023-476366-title.pdf