Kajian Potensi Implementasi Natural Flood Management sebagai Strategi Mitigasi Banjir DAS Kamoning, Kabupaten Sampang
GADING DITA INDASARI, Dr. Ir. Dina Ruslanjari, M.Si. ; Dr. Retnadi Heru Jatmiko, M.Sc.
merupakan peristiwa dimana suatu daerah tergenang air akibat luapan air yang
melebihi kapasitas. Salah satu daerah yang identik dengan banjir adalah
Kabupaten Sampang, khususnya di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Kamoning. Banjir Kabupaten Sampang dipengaruhi oleh letak wilayah yang berada pada
daerah cekungan dengan elevasi di bawah permukaan laut. Penelitian ini
bertujuan mengidentifikasi distribusi spasial indeks bahaya banjir berdasarkan
karakteristik fisik dan sosial wilayah, mengevaluasi efektivitas strategi
mitigasi banjir yang sudah diterapkan oleh pemerintah, serta mengkaji potensi
implementasi pendekatan Natural Flood Management (NFM) sebagai strategi
mitigasi banjir di DAS Kamoning. Penelitian ini secara keseluruhan banyak
menjabarkan data kuantitatif, terutama untuk memberikan gambaran terkait
kondisi fisik dari lokasi penelitian, kemiringan lereng, topografi, hingga
jumlah kejadian banjir beserta dampaknya. Data kualitatif digunakan untuk
menganalisis gambaran terkait mitigasi yang telah dilakukan hingga potensi
implementasi konsep NFM (Natural Flood Management) sebagai strategi
mitigasi banjir di Kabupaten Sampang. Implementasi konsep NFM menunjukkan
adanya peluang optimalisasi dengan skema kerjasama lintas sektor dengan
menekankan solusi berbasis alam sebagai fokus ataupun pertimbangan utama.
Penguatan fungsi kawasan juga dapat lebih ditingkatkan melalui pengenalan dan
sosialisasi konsep NFM dengan
melibatkan komunitas lokal. Distribusi
spasial indeks bahaya banjir berdasarkan karakteristik fisik dan sosial wilayah
di DAS Kamoning menunjukkan indeks kelas tinggi banyak berada di hilir DAS
sementara kelas rendah berada di tengah-hulu DAS. Strategi mitigasi banjir yang
sudah diterapkan oleh pemerintah Kabupaten Sampang menunjukkan 90% kebijakan telah terealisasi, meskipun intensitas kejadian banjir masih
fluktuatif serta keberlanjutan program dinilai belum optimal. Implementasi pendekatan NFM
sebagai strategi mitigasi banjir di DAS Kamoning memiliki potensi yang cukup
besar, mengingat beberapa program pengurangan risiko bencana banjir Kabupaten
Sampang telah memiliki visi yang sejalan dengan konsep NFM, oleh sebab itu dibutuhkan kerjasama antara pemerintah dan masyarakat untuk mewujudkan konsep tersebut.
Flood is an event where an area is
inundated due to overflow of water that exceeds capacity. One area that is
synonymous with flooding is Sampang Regency, especially in the Kamoning River
Basin (DAS). Floods in Sampang Regency are influenced by the location of the
area which is in a basin area with an elevation below sea level. This study
aims to identify the spatial distribution of the flood hazard index based on
the physical and social characteristics of the area, evaluate the effectiveness
of flood mitigation strategies that have been implemented by the government,
and examine the potential for implementing Natural Flood Management (NFM)
approach as a flood mitigation strategy in the Kamoning Watershed. This
research as a whole describes a lot of quantitative data, especially to provide
an overview regarding the physical conditions of the research location, slope,
topography, the number of flood events, and their impacts. Qualitative data is
used to analyze descriptions related to the mitigation that has been carried
out to the potential implementation of the NFM (Natural Flood Management)
concept as a flood mitigation strategy in Sampang Regency. The implementation
of the NFM concept shows that there are opportunities for optimization with
cross-sector cooperation schemes by emphasizing nature-based solutions as the
main focus or consideration. Strengthening the function of the area can also be
further enhanced through the introduction and socialization of the NFM concept
by involving the local community. The spatial distribution of the flood hazard
index based on the physical and social characteristics of the area in the
Kamoning watershed shows that many of the high class indices are in the
downstream watershed while the low class are in the middle of the upstream
watershed. The flood mitigation strategy that has been implemented by the
government of Sampang Regency shows that 90% policies have been realized, even
though the intensity of flood events is still fluctuating and the
sustainability of the program is considered not optimal. The implementation of
the NFM approach as a flood mitigation strategy in the Kamoning watershed has
considerable potential, bearing in mind that several flood disaster risk
reduction programs in Sampang Regency already have a vision that is in line
with the NFM concept, therefore collaboration between the government and the
community is needed to realize this concept.
Kata Kunci : Flood, Watershed, Natural Flood Management