Langkah Strategis Membangun Sinergi Antar Anak Perusahaan Subholding PT Pelindo Jasa Maritim
2023 | Tesis | S2 MANAJEMEN (MM) JAKARTA
Subholding PT. Pelindo Jasa Maritim (SPJM) is one of the four Pelindo subholding that was formed during Pelindo Merger on 01 October 2021. Compared with other Subholding which business tend to be homogeneous, SPJM have the most complex business, related with the Marine Service (Tug and Piloting), Equipment Repair and Maintenance Service, Utility Services (Electricity, Water, Waste), and Channel Service (Channel Management, Dredging. SPJM as multi business corporation must formulate an accurate strategic action to create competitive advantage by leveraging synergy between subsidiary companies that managed by SPJM, so that Pelindo and SPJM vision and mission can be achieved.
This research aims to identify the strategic fit and resource fit between each subsidiary under SPJM, with the end objective of recommending strategic actions for SPJM. Data in this research is collected via interview with one of Directors and/or Senior Manager level of SPJM and each of its subsidiary companies, and via observation and secondary data in the form of annual report of each of the subsidiary companies. Interviews are conducted to collect information to identify the value chain of each of the subsidiary companies, which then analyzed to get the strategic fit. Financial Resource Fit are analyzed by approach of cash cow and cash hog by Thompson et al., (2020), while non-financial resource fit are analyzed with synergy approach that explained by Goold & Campbell (1998).
The result showed that each SPJM subsidiary is currently only focused on doing their own business, however based on analysis on the value chain, there is a strategic fit between SPJM subsidiaries. Financial Resource Fit shows that two subsidiaries are in the cash hog position, while the rest are in the cash hog position. Opportunity for Synergy has high potential to happen between subsidiary, from the angle of shared know how, shared tangible assets, coordinated strategies, pooled negotiation power, and combined business creation. From those strategic fit and resource fit analysis, several recommended strategic actions are suggested for SPJM to conduct.
Kata Kunci : multi-bisnis, jasa, pelabuhan, rantai nilai, kesesuaian strategik, kesesuaian sumber daya, sinergi, langkah strategis, multi-business, service, port, value chain, strategic fit, resource fit, synergy, strategic actions