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Peningkatan Kompetensi Quality Control (QC) dalam Pencapaian Indikator Kinerja Utama (IKU) Produk Ekspor Pasteurized Crab Meat

Bambang Arif Nugraha, Nofie Iman Vidya Kemal, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D.

2023 | Tesis | S2 Manajemen

Peningkatan volume ekspor produk perikanan khususnya pasteurized crab meat utamanya ke Amerika Serikat seringkali tidak diikuti dengan pemahaman dan pengaplikasian indikator kinerja utama (IKU) yang melekat pada industri ini khususnya bebas residu chloramphenicol (CAP), peningkatan persentase jumbo dan peningkatan yield/rendemen daging. Pada 2010-2015 terjadi banyak kontainer yang shipped back (dipulangkan kembali) ke Indonesia karena kasus positif residu CAP. Belum adanya best practice, mendorong peneliti untuk mengkaji peningkatan kompetensi personel quality control (QC) dalam pencapaian IKU tersebut.

Hasil wawancara pakar dari industri, akademisi dan pemerintahan menghasilkan 3 IKU beserta subkriterianya untuk diteliti. Selanjutnya pengisian panduan AHP dalam bentuk Ms. Excel dilakukan oleh 8 (delapan) informan yang mempunyai pengalaman selama 9 hingga 25 tahun di industri pasteurized crab meat meliputi pengelola miniplant, general managers dan quality assurance (QA) manager di unit pengolahan ikan (UPI) serta QC pembeli. Data persepsi yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis menggunakan analytical hierarchy process (AHP) dengan konsep pembobotan untuk menentukan prioritas dari kriteria dan subkriteria IKU.

Program bebas residu CAP menjadi kriteria IKU yang paling penting karena terkait dengan pemenuhan persyaratan (compliance), selanjutnya disusul oleh kriteria peningkatan persentase jumbo dan rendemen. Lebih detail diketahui bahwa assessment dan pengawasan proses, pelatihan GMP dan SSOP tenaga kerja, serta teknik pemasakan dan penanganan rajungan matang menjadi 3 subkriteria yang diharapkan menjadi fokus dalam peningkatan kompetensi personel quality control (QC) dalam pencapaian ketiga kriteria IKU. Pemahaman dan implementasi hasil ini menjadi best practice dalam pengawasan mutu dan proses produksi bagi personel quality control (QC) di miniplant dan unit pengolahan ikan pengekspor produk pasteurized crab meat. Selain itu menjadi policy brief yang mempertegas posisi pemerintah yang tidak bertentangan dengan prinsip-prinsip sustainable development goal (SDG), khususnya SDG 14 life below water dalam peningkatan nilai ekspor produk pasteurized crab meat.

The increase in the export volume of fishery products, especially pasteurized crab meat, mainly to the United States, is often not accompanied by an application of key performance indicators (KPI), especially free chloramphenicol (CAP) residues, an increase in the percentage of jumbos and meat yield. In 2010–2015, there were many containers that were rejected and returned to Indonesia due to positive cases of CAP residue. The absence of the best guideline (best practice) has prompted researchers to examine the competency improvement of quality control (QC) personnel in achieving of those KPIs.

The results of interviews with experts from industry, academia and government resulted in 3 KPIs and their sub-criteria for research. Then fill in the AHP manual in Ms. Excel. It was conducted by 8 informants who had experience of 9 to 25 years of experience in the pasteurized crab meat industry, including miniplant managers, general managers and quality assurance (QA) manager in fish processing units, as well as QC buyers. Perception data obtained were then analyzed using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) with the concept of weighting to determine the priority of KPI criteria and sub-criteria.

The CAP residue is the most important KPI due to relates to compliance, followed by the jumbo percentage increase and meat yield criteria. It is known that process assessment and supervision, workforce GMP and SSOP training, as well as techniques for cooking and cooked crab handling, are the most important 3 sub-criteria in increasing the competence of QC personnel. Understanding and implementing these results will become best practice in supervising quality and production processes. Apart from that, it is a policy brief that reinforces the government's position in the sustainable development goal (SDG), especially SDG 14, life below water to increase export value of pasteurized crab meat products.

Kata Kunci : indikator kinerja utama (IKU), pasteurized crab meat, chlorampenicol (CAP), quality control (QC), good manufacturing practice (GMP)

  1. S2-2023-486141-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2023-486141-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2023-486141-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2023-486141-title.pdf