RIFQI FARHAN, Henry Yuliando, MM., M.Agr., Ph.D.
2023 | Tesis | S2 MANAJEMEN (MM) JAKARTA
Dalam upayanya meningkatkan kualitas layanan serta kebijakan revolusi industri, Divisi Enterprise Service (DES) memiliki beberapa permasalahan internal yang menghambat proses kinerja proses bisnisnya. Dalam menjalankan proses bisnisnya, tim dari Account Manager memiliki kendala terkait dengan terlalu banyaknya aplikasi interface yang harus di operasikan dengan data - data yang terpisah dan akses terbatas dari setiap segmen. Selain itu, masih belum adanya wadah untuk memonitor pergerakan order pelanggan dari setiap lintas unit yang menyulitkan tim manajemen divisi enterprise untuk memantau hal tersebut.
Pada tahun 2020 Divisi Enterprise Service merancang " Tools digitisasi enterprise Telkom". Tools ini adalah digital touch points bagi pelanggan untuk mengelola sistem penagihan, memonitor proyek yang ditangani oleh perusahaan, dan memastikan optimalisasi proses operasional dan penjualan untuk segmen Enterprise, Medium Enterprise, dan Government.
Guna dapat menyempurnakan aplikasi tools digitisasi enterprise, diperlukan analisis yang bertujuan untuk menyesuaikan layanan - layanan agar dapat diimplementasikan secara efektif dan efisien. Berdasarkan hal ini, standar ISO 25010:2011 tentang system and software engineering dapat diaplikasikan sebagai acuan perbaikan dan pengembangan lebih lanjut dari tools aplikasi yang kemudian akan dilanjutkan dengan menggunakan pendekatan metode Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) untuk dapat mengetahui atribut pernyataan mana yang menjadi prioritas utama untuk perbaikan.
Pada hasil penelitian ini terlihat bahwa kesesuaian performansi tools digitisasi enterprise Telkom terhadap harapan dari pengguna internalnya sebesar 96,26%. Masih terdapat gap sebesar 3,74% yang harus menjadi perhatian untuk dilakukan perbaikan oleh manajemen Divisi Enterprise Service dan Divisi Business Technology agar sesuai dengan harapan pengguna internal.
Berdasarkan analisis Importance Performance Analysis dan hasil In-Depth Interview, diperoleh prioritas utama untuk dilakukan perbaikan yaitu pada variabel Performance Efficiency - Time Behaviour (7), dan variabel Compatibility - Co-Existence (12).
As an effort to improve service quality and industrial revolution policies, the Enterprise Service Division (DES) has several internal problems that hamper the performance of its business processes. In carrying out its business processes, the Account Manager team has problem related to too many application interfaces that must be operated with separate data and limited access from each segment. In addition, there is still no place to monitor the movement of customer orders from each cross unit which makes it difficult for the enterprise division management team to monitor.
In 2020, the Enterprise Service Division designed "Telkom's enterprise digitization tools". These tools are digital touch points for customers to manage billing systems, monitor projects handled by the company, and ensure optimization of operational and sales processes for the Enterprise, Medium Enterprise, and Government segments. This application system is expected to become an end-to-end digital platform container and can be integrated for the management team and the Account Manager team in carrying out work activities so that they become efficient.
To improve the application of enterprise digitization tools, analysis is needed that aims to adjust services so that they can be implemented effectively and efficiently. Based on this, the ISO 25010:2011 standard on system and software engineering can be applied as a reference for improvement and further development of these application tools. To improve the quality of service expected by service users and the company's ability to provide services that meet customers expectations. This study aims to measure the performance level of enterprise digitization tools applications using the ISO 25010:2011 standard references which will then be followed by using the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method to be able to find out which statement attributes are the top priority for improvement.
The results of this study show that the suitability of the performance of Telkom's enterprise digitization tools to the expectations of internal users is 96.26%. There is still a gap of 3.74% which must be a concern for improvement by the management of the Enterprise Service Division and Business Technology Division so that it meets the expectations of internal users.
Based on the the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) methods and the results of the In-Depth Interview, the main priority for improvement is namely Performance Efficiency - Time Behavior (7), and Compatibility - Co-Existence (12).
Kata Kunci : ISO 25010:2011, Performansi, Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), In-Depth Interview, Prioritas Perbaikan / ISO 205010:2011, Performance, Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), In-Depth Interview, Improvement Priority