Rancangan Model Bisnis Fashion Modern Minimalist Pada "Pervinca"
Nona Christy, Bayu Sutikno, S.E.,M.S.M., Ph.D.
2023 | Tesis | S2 MANAJEMEN (MM) JAKARTA
Industri fashion telah menjadi salah satu pilar yang menopang pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia. Perkembangan fashion diharapkan mampu menciptakan sinergi antar industri penunjang fashion mulai dari industri TPT sampai dengan proses kreatif. Trend fashion muncul seiring perkembangan yang menyebabkan industri fast fashion merespon dengan memproduksi pakaian secara cepat, murah, dan massal. Akibatnya, menimbulkan berbagai masalah lingkungan serta meningkatkan gaya hidup konsumerisme. Salah satu cara penanggulangannya adalah minimalist fashion. Minimalist fashion mengedepankan quality over quantity, timeless, versatile, dan mampu mengurangi jejak konsumsi pakaian yang berlebihan.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang model bisnis fashion modern minimalist "Pervinca". Penelitian ini menggunakan metode wawancara yang melibatkan 5 narasumber dan survey kuesioner yang disebarkan kepada 55 responden dengan total 50 responden yang lolos kriteria. Data yang terkumpul digunakan sebagai acuan pemetaan peta empati dan kanvas model bisnis sustainable "Pervinca". Dalam mengetahui kelayakan bisnis, penelitian ini memperhitungkan NPV (Net Present Value), IRR (Internal Rate of Return), dan PP (Payback Period).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat kebutuhan pelanggan terkait produk pakaian minimalist dengan desain dan pilihan warna yang tidak monoton, size yang beragam, harga terjangkau, dan kualitas material kain yang baik. Berdasarkan hasil analisis kelayakan, diperoleh NPV sebesar Rp 399.558.008, IRR sebesar 77%, dan PP sebesar 2 tahun 8 bulan. Dari hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa "Pervinca" layak untuk dijalankan.
The fashion industry has become one of the pillars that support the growth of Indonesia's economy. The growth of fashion is expected to create synergies between the fashion industry started from the TPT industry to the creative process. Fashion trends emerged along with developments that caused the fast fashion industry to respond by producing clothes quickly, cheaply, and massively. As a result, it creates various environmental problems and improves consumerism's lifestyle. One way to overcome these problems is utilizing a minimalist fashion. Minimalist fashion emphasizes quality over quantity, timeless, versatile, and is able to reduce the trace of excessive clothing consumption.
The purpose of this research is to design a modern minimalist fashion business model "Pervinca". This research was conducted by interviewing 5 informants and a questionnaire survey distributed to 55 respondents with a total of 50 respondents passing the criteria. The collected data is used as a reference for mapping the empathy map and sustainable business model canvas of "Pervinca". In determining the feasibility of the business, this research calculates NPV (Net Present Value), IRR (Interest Rate of Return), and PP (Payback Period).
The results showed that there is a customer needs related to minimalist clothing product with designs and color choices that are not dull, a variety of size choices, affordable prices, and good quality fabric materials. Based on the results of the feasibility analysis, NPV of Rp 399.558.008, IRR of 77%, and PP of 2 years and 8 months were obtained. The results of the calculation show that "Pervinca" is worth running.
Kata Kunci : Model bisnis sustainable, Minimalist fashion, Online shop