<![endif]-->. In writing this law, the author raises 2 (two) main issues, namely how the urgency of the restorative justice approach is in resolving environmental crimes committed by corporations and what are the parameters that should be met related to the restorative justice approach in resolving environmental crimes committed by corporations.In writing this law the author uses a research method by combining normative research and empirical research, where the authors use 2 (two) types of research, namely library research and field research. The data obtained were then analyzed using qualitative methods and displayed by descriptive methods. From the results of the research conducted by the authors, it can be concluded that there are 3 (three) urgency bases for the restorative justice approach in resolving environmental crimes committed by corporations<!--[if supportFields]> XE "corporations" \i <![endif]--><!--[if supportFields]><![endif]-->, namely: 1) philosophical foundations; 2) sociological basis; 3) juridical basis. In addition, there are several parameters that must be met if a restorative justice approach is to be taken in resolving environmental crimes committed by corporations, including: a. the victims are human; b. against environmental crimes that qualify as formal offenses (administrative independent crimes); c. does not meet the criteria for significant impact as stipulated in the laws and regulations; d. the existence of agreements and acts of causing unrest and/or social conflict in the community"> <![endif]-->. In writing this law, the author raises 2 (two) main issues, namely how the urgency of the restorative justice approach is in resolving environmental crimes committed by corporations and what are the parameters that should be met related to the restorative justice approach in resolving environmental crimes committed by corporations.In writing this law the author uses a research method by combining normative research and empirical research, where the authors use 2 (two) types of research, namely library research and field research. The data obtained were then analyzed using qualitative methods and displayed by descriptive methods. From the results of the research conducted by the authors, it can be concluded that there are 3 (three) urgency bases for the restorative justice approach in resolving environmental crimes committed by corporations<!--[if supportFields]> XE "corporations" \i <![endif]--><!--[if supportFields]><![endif]-->, namely: 1) philosophical foundations; 2) sociological basis; 3) juridical basis. In addition, there are several parameters that must be met if a restorative justice approach is to be taken in resolving environmental crimes committed by corporations, including: a. the victims are human; b. against environmental crimes that qualify as formal offenses (administrative independent crimes); c. does not meet the criteria for significant impact as stipulated in the laws and regulations; d. the existence of agreements and acts of causing unrest and/or social conflict in the community">
Laporkan Masalah


RAHMAT FAHRI R. ABDULLAH, Sri Wiyanti Eddyono S.H., LL.M.(HR), Ph.D

2023 | Tesis | S2 Magister Hukum Litigasi

Penulisan hukum ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pendekatan restorative justice dalam penyelesaian tindak pidana lingkungan hidup yang dilakukan oleh korporasi. Dalam Penulisan hukum ini penulis mengangkat 2 (dua) masalah utama yaitu bagaimana urgensi dari pendekatan restorative justice dalam penyelesaian tindak pidana lingkungan hidup yang dilakukan oleh korporasi dan  bagaimana parameter yang seharusnya dipenuhi terkait pendekatan restorative justice dalam penyelesaian tindak pidana lingkungan hidup yang dilakukan oleh korporasi.

Dalam penulisan hukum ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian dengan menggabungkan antara penelitian normatif dan penelitian empiris, dimana penulis menggunakan 2 (dua) jenis penelitian yaitu penelitian kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis menggunakan metode kualitatif dan ditampilkan dengan metode deskriptif.

Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh penulis dapat ditarik kesimpulan terdapat 3 (tiga) landasan urgensi pendekatan restorative justice dalam penyelesaian tindak pidana lingkungan hidup yang dilakukan oleh korporasi yaitu : 1) landasan filosofis; 2) landasan sosiologis; 3) landasan yuridis. Selain itu terdapat beberapa parameter yang harus dipenuhi apabila ingin dilakukan pendekatan restorative justice dalam penyelesaian tindak pidana lingkungan hidup yang dilakukan oleh korporasi, diantaranya : a. korbannya adalah manusia; b. terhadap tindak pidana lingkungan hidup yang dikualifikasikan sebagai delik formil (administrative independent crime); c. tidak memenuhi kriteria dampak penting sebagaimana yang diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan; d. adanya kesepakatan serta tindak menimbulkan keresahan dan/atau konflik sosial dimasyarakat.

The Writing of this law aims to find out the restorative justice approach in solving environmental crimes committed by corporations<!--[if supportFields]> XE "corporations" \i <![endif]--><!--[if supportFields]><![endif]-->. In writing this law, the author raises 2 (two) main issues, namely how the urgency of the restorative justice approach is in resolving environmental crimes committed by corporations and what are the parameters that should be met related to the restorative justice approach in resolving environmental crimes committed by corporations.

In writing this law the author uses a research method by combining normative research and empirical research, where the authors use 2 (two) types of research, namely library research and field research. The data obtained were then analyzed using qualitative methods and displayed by descriptive methods.

From the results of the research conducted by the authors, it can be concluded that there are 3 (three) urgency bases for the restorative justice approach in resolving environmental crimes committed by corporations<!--[if supportFields]> XE "corporations" \i <![endif]--><!--[if supportFields]><![endif]-->, namely: 1) philosophical foundations; 2) sociological basis; 3) juridical basis. In addition, there are several parameters that must be met if a restorative justice approach is to be taken in resolving environmental crimes committed by corporations, including: a. the victims are human; b. against environmental crimes that qualify as formal offenses (administrative independent crimes); c. does not meet the criteria for significant impact as stipulated in the laws and regulations; d. the existence of agreements and acts of causing unrest and/or social conflict in the community

Kata Kunci : Restorative justice, Tindak Pidana Lingkungan Hidup, Korporasi

  1. S2-2023-465663-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2023-465663-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2023-465663-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2023-465663-title.pdf