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Kategori Program Smart Sustainable Cities (Kasus 16 Kota di Dunia)

Maksum Bindu Dipayana, Prof. Ir. Achmad Djunaedi, MURP., Ph.D.


Seiring meningkatnya populasi di perkotaan, begitu juga masalahnya. Fenomena tersebut melahirkan konsep smart city yang dianggap efektif dan efisien dalam pengelolaan perkotaan. Smart city sebagai konsep memiliki sifat yang terus-menerus berkembang untuk semakin cerdas, karena itu keberlanjutan menjadi sebuah tantangan dalam pengembangan konsep smart city. Tantangan tersebut selaras pada agenda tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan yang kemudian diakomodasi ke dalam konsep smart sustainable city. Konsep tersebut diterjemahkan ke dalam enam komponen, yaitu ICT, environmental sustainability, productivity, equity and social inclusion, quality of life, dan physical infrastructure. Smart sustainable city sebagai konsep dalam perkembangannya sudah dapat mengidentifikasi komponen pembentuknya dalam implementasi program, akan tetapi diperlukan pemahaman sistematis terhadap turunan komponen konsep tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksploratif, pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik analisis isi. Penelitian ini meliputi dua bahasan, yang pertama kategorisasi program ke dalam komponen smart sustainable city berdasarkan key performance indicators oleh International Telecommunication Union pada tahun 2022 dan selanjutnya menilai potensi replikasi program yang dapat dilakukan di Kota Makassar. Setelah dilakukan analisis, ditemukan 18 kategori pada program-program smart sustainable cities. Pada analisis potensi replikasi program smart sustainable cities di Kota Makassar, hasil analisis diklasifikasikan menjadi program berpotensi, cukup berpotensi, dan tidak berpotensi.

As the urban population increases, so does the problem. This phenomenon gave birth to the concept of a smart city which is considered effective and efficient in urban management. Smart city as a concept has a nature that is constantly evolving to be smarter, therefore sustainability becomes a challenge in the development of the smart city concept. These challenges are aligned with the agenda of Sustainable Development Goals which are then accommodated into the smart sustainable cities concept. This concept is translated into six components, namely ICT, environmental sustainability, productivity, equity and social inclusion, quality of life, and physical infrastructure. Smart sustainable city as a concept in its development has been able to identify its constituent components in program implementation, but a systematic understanding of the derivative components of the concept is needed. This study uses explorative method and qualitative approach with content analysis techniques. This research includes two discussions, the first is the categorization of programs into smart sustainable city components based on key performance indicators by the International Telecommunication Union and then assessing the potential for replication that can be carried out in cities in Indonesia. After the analysis, 18 categories of sustainable smart cities programs were found. In the analysis of the potential for replication of the smart sustainable cities program in Makassar City, the results of the analysis are classified into programs with potential, moderate potential, and no potential.

Kata Kunci : kategori, program, smart sustainable cities

  1. S1-2023-399848-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-399848-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-399848-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-399848-title.pdf