Hubungan antara Persepsi Penyakit, Layanan Kesehatan dan Pemilihan Fasilitas Kesehatan terhadap Pengeluaran Biaya Out Of Pocket pada Pasien Penyakit Jantung
Resi Rizki Banjarani, Prof. Dr. apt. Tri Murti Andayani, Sp.FRS.; Dr. apt. Dwi Endarti, M.Sc.
2023 | Tesis | Magister Manajemen Farmasi
Background: Heart disease occupies the first position in financing catastrophic cases in health facilities.
Objective: To determine the correlation between sociodemographics, illness perceptions, and healthcare systems with the selection of health facilities and determine the difference in average out-of-pocket costs based on the selection of health facilities in heart disease patients.
Method: This study used an analytic observational method with a cross-sectional design. The research subjects were patients diagnosed with heart disease ?3 months and?18 years old. Sampling used a convenience sampling technique. Sociodemographic data, perceptions of illness, perceptions of the health care system, selection of health facilities, and out-of-pocket costs were obtained from questionnaires interviewed by heart disease patients at the Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Yogyakarta from January to February 2023. Data analysis used Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Fisher's Exact, Independent Sample T-test, and Mann-Whitney test.
Results and Discussion: Most respondents had favourable perceptions of disease perception and the health care system. Sociodemographic characteristics influenced the selection of health facilities on the length of heart disease (p=0.021). The average out-of-pocket expenses of patients for three months based on real income was Rp302,704±Rp349,146, with direct medical costs at 27.4%, direct non-medical costs at 22.3% and indirect costs at 50.3%. The average out-of-pocket spending based on gross domestic product was Rp526,814±Rp277,581 with 16% direct medical costs, 13% non-direct medical costs and 71% indirect costs. The mean difference in out of pocket direct medical costs (Rp382,286±Rp411,381) and indirect costs based on real income (Rp208,222±Rp255,167) in the hospital was higher than direct medical costs (Rp232,500±Rp151,300) and indirect costs based on real income (Rp104,808±Rp19,717) in the combination of hospital and self-medication.
Conclusion: Heart disease patients at the RSUD Kota Yogyakarta have good perceptions of illness and the healthcare system. The choice of the healthcare facility is affected by the duration of heart disease.
Kata Kunci : Analisis pengeluaran biaya, pemilihan fasilitas kesehatan, penyakit jantung