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Arif Rahman Jatmiko, Ratih Ineke Wati, S.P., M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D.; Riesma Andiani, S.P., M.Sc.


PT Sinar Sosro mengenalkan produk Fruit Tea Lemon Tinggi Vit C kepada audiens dengan memproduksi video iklan yang ditampilkan pada platform media sosial YouTube. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas video iklan FRUIT TEA LEMON TINGGI VIT C yang di produksi oleh PT Sinar Sosro pada platform media sosial YouTube menggunakan EPIC Model dan Direct Rating Method (DRM). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif. Pemilihan sampel menggunakan teknik sampling Incidental Sampling. Sampel dipilih 100 mahasiswa aktif di Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Gadjah Mada dan diminta untuk menonton video iklan terlebih dahulu, selanjutnya menilai iklan melalui Googleform. Penelitian ini menggunakan EPIC Model (Empathy, Persuasive, Impact, dan Communication) dan Direct Rating Method (Attention, Read Thoroughness, Cognitive Response, Affective Response, dan Behavior Response) untuk mengukur tingkat efektivitas iklan FRUIT TEA LEMON TINGGI VIT C. Hasil analisis efektivitas iklan FRUIT TEA LEMON TINGGI VIT C pada platform YouTube menggunakan EPIC Model memperoleh hasil efektif dengan EPIC Rate sebesar 3,96. Hasil analisis efektivitas iklan FRUIT TEA LEMON TINGGI VIT C pada platform YouTube menggunakan Direct Rating Method (DRM) memperoleh hasil efektif dengan Direct Rating Methods (DRM) Rate sebesar 78.

PT Sinar Sosro introduces Fruit Tea Lemon Tinggi Vit C products to audiences by producing advertising videos displayed on the YouTube social media platform. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Fruit Tea Lemon Tinggi Vit C advertising video produced by PT Sinar Sosro on the YouTube social media platform using the EPIC Model and Direct Rating Method (DRM). This research uses descriptive quantitative methods. Sample selection using Incidental Sampling sampling technique. The sample was selected from 100 active students at the Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University and asked to watch the ad video first, and then rate the ad through Googleform. This study uses the EPIC Model (Empathy, Persuasive, Impact, and Communication) and Direct Rating Method (Attention, Read Thoroughness, Cognitive Response, Affective Response, and Behavior Response) to measure the effectiveness of Fruit Tea Lemon Tinggi Vit C advertising. The results of the analysis of the effectiveness of Fruit Tea Lemon Tinggi Vit C advertising on the YouTube platform using the EPIC Model obtained effective results with an EPIC Rate of 3.96. The results of the analysis of the effectiveness of the Fruit Tea Lemon Tinggi Vit C advertisement on the YouTube platform using the Direct Rating Methods (DRM) obtained effective results with a Direct Rating Methods (DRM) Rate of 78.

Kata Kunci : iklan, efektivitas iklan, EPIC Model, Direct Rating Methods (DRM), Fruit Tea Lemon Tinggi Vit C

  1. S1-2023-442768-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-442768-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-442768-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-442768-title.pdf