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Keanekaragaman dan Fidelitas Burung pada Habitat Lahan Kering di Kalurahan Karangwuni Kecamatan Wates Kabupaten Kulon Progo

Zenith Caitra Ardhenareshvari, Drs. Bambang Agus Suripto, SU, M.Sc.

2023 | Skripsi | BIOLOGI

Kalurahan Karangwuni merupakan kalurahan dengan letak strategis dan memiliki potensi yang melimpah, sehingga banyak terjadi pembangunan yang berpotensi negatif terhadap keanekaragaman spesies burung dan mempengaruhi fidelitas (kesetiaan) burung dengan habitatnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis burung, tipe fidelitas, proporsi guild, dan status perlindungan burung habitat lahan pertanian pesisir, pekarangan, dan tegalan Kalurahan Karangwuni. Metode yang digunakan yaitu IPA (Indices Ponctuels d’Abudance), dan penentuan 30 titik sampling dengan purposive sampling. Pengambilan sampel burung dilakukan pagi hingga sore hari, sampel vegetasi diambil menggunakan metode kuadrat. Data akan dianalisis menggunakan software Microsoft Excel, lalu disajikan dalam bentuk diagram dan tabel. Data akhir berupa keanekaragaman jenis dianalisis menurut indeks keanekaragaman Shannon-Wiener dan taksonomis, analisis deskriptif habitat, analisis vegetasi, tipe fidelitas berdasarkan frekuensi kehadiran burung, proporsi guild berdasarkan besaran Indeks Nilai Penting, dan status perlindungan burung berdasarkan IUCN dan PerMen LHK No. 106 Tahun 2018. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ditemukan sebanyak 16 spesies burung di habitat lahan pertanian pesisir, pekarangan, dan tegalan, dengan nilai keanekaragaman jenis secara ekologis tergolong sedang karena berada di rentang nilai 1?H’?3. Sebanyak 10 spesies burung memiliki tipe fidelitas preferensial, 3 spesies dengan tipe eksklusif, dan 3 spesies dengan tipe fidelitas selektif. Proporsi guild yang ditemukan dari terbesar hingga terkecil secara umum yaitu granivorous, insectivorous, omnivorous, nectarivorous, dan frugivorous. Sebanyak 1 spesies yang memiliki status konservasi vulnerable menurut IUCN dan dilindungi menurut PerMen LHK No. 106 Tahun 2018.

Karangwuni Village is strategically located and has abundant potential, so many developments have the potential to negatively affect the diversity of bird species and affect the fidelity of birds to their habitat. This study aims to determine the diversity of bird species, types of fidelity, proportion of guilds, and protection status of birds in coastal agricultural land habitats, yards, and moor areas of Karangwuni Village. The method used is IPA (Indices Ponctuels d'Abudance), and the determination of 30 sampling points by purposive sampling. Sampling of birds was carried out from morning to evening, vegetation samples were taken using the quadratic method. Data will be analyzed using Microsoft Excel software, then presented in the form of diagrams and tables. The final data in the form of species diversity was analyzed according to the Shannon-Wiener diversity index and taxonomy, descriptive habitat analysis, vegetation analysis, type fidelity based on the frequency of bird presence, the proportion of guilds based on the Importance Value Index, and bird protection status based on IUCN and PerMen LHK No. 106 of 2018. The results showed that as many as 16 bird species were found in coastal agricultural land habitats, yards, and moor areas, with ecological species diversity values classified as moderate because they are in the value range 1?H'?3. A total of 10 bird species had preferential fidelity types, 3 species had exclusive fidelity types, and 3 species had selective fidelity types. The proportion of guilds found from largest to smallest were generally granivorous, insectivorous, omnivorous, nectarivorous, and frugivorous. As many as 1 species has a vulnerable conservation status according to IUCN and is protected according to PerMen LHK No. 106 of 2018.

Kata Kunci : burung, keanekaragaman jenis, fidelitas, lahan kering, habitat / birds, species diversity, fidelity, dry land, habitat

  1. S1-2023-444723-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-444723-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-444723-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-444723-title.pdf