Laporkan Masalah


Muhammad Radima Rahmad, Baha'Uddin, S.S, M. Hum.

2023 | Skripsi | ILMU SEJARAH

Penelitian ini membahas pengadaan alat utama sistem persenjataan TNI pada periode 1950an sampai 1960an. Setelah pengakuan kedaulatan oleh Belanda, Indonesia sebagai negara berdaulat memiliki tentara sebagai alat politik terutama dalam hal menjaga keutuhan negara. Dalam rangka menjalankan fungsi tersebut, TNI memerlukan alutsista sebagai bentuk kekuatan negara. Maka dari itu, TNI perlu melakukan pengadaan alutsista. Pada periode tersebut APRI melakukan beragam upaya pengadaan alutsista. Pada 1950-1954 upaya pertama yang dilakukan APRI dalam pengadaan alutsista dengan cara pengambilalihan alutsista bekas pakai militer Belanda di Indonesia. Setelah itu, dilakukan upaya pengadaan alutsista dari luar negeri untuk memenuhi kebutuhan APRI. Upaya tersebut dilakukan atas dasar memenuhi kebutuhan praktis dan agar ini tercapai maka dilakukan melalui perantara sehingga langkah ini dikritik dan ditinjau oleh parlemen. Kementerian Pertahanan dan APRI mengevaluasi upaya-upaya pengadaan alutsista dan menetapkan aturan agar pengadaan alutsista memiliki prosedur serta tidak menggunakan jasa perantara.

Kemudian pada 1955-1960 APRI melakukan pembaruan alutsista sesuai kebutuhan masing-masing angkatan. Pembaruan alutsista dilakukan untuk mengganti alutsista bekas pakai militer Belanda yang dianggap usang karena diproduksi pada masa PD II dan secara jam operasional terlampau tinggi. Selain itu, APRI pada periode tersebut berkeinginan mengejar ketertinggalan mengingat perkembangan alutsista yang pada saat itu semakin mutakhir. Agar pembaruan alutsista dapat dicapai maka APRI melakukan pengadaan alutsista dari Blok Barat dan Blok Timur. Dalam prosesnya, terdapat berbagai kendala sehingga pemerintah Indonesia memutuskan untuk melakukan pengadaan alutsista dari Blok Timur.

Pada 1960an pemerintah Indonesia membantu APRI melakukanpengadaan alutsista dengan cara mensinergiskan kepentingan nasional. Cara yang sinergis cukup berhasil dalam pengadaan alutsista. Pada masa ini terjadi pengadaan alutsista karena ada kepentingan nasional, yakni perihal Irian Barat. Awalnya hanya pada Irian Barat, tetapi kemudian diteruskan ke Konfrontasi Malyasia. Meskipun cara


sinergis untuk mencapai kepentingan nasional cukup berhasil dalam pengadaan alutsista berskala besar, akan tetapi cara ini justru berdampak negatif karena membebani negara dan mewariskan hutang yang sangat tinggi.


This study discusses the procurement of the main equipment for the TNI's weapons system in the 1950s to 1960s. After the recognition of sovereignty by the Netherlands, Indonesia as a sovereign country has the army as a political tool, especially in terms of maintaining the integrity of the country. In order to carry out this function, the TNI needs defense equipment as a form of state power. Therefore, the TNI needs to procure defense equipment. During this period, APRI made various efforts to procure defense equipment. In 1950-1954 the first attempt was made by APRI in procuring defense equipment by way of taking over the defense equipment used by the Dutch military in Indonesia. After that, efforts were made to procure defense equipment from abroad to meet APRI's needs. This effort was carried out on the basis of meeting practical needs and in order for this to be achieved it was carried out through intermediaries so that this step was criticized and reviewed by parliament. The Ministry of Defense and APRI evaluate efforts to procure defense equipment and establish rules so that the procurement of defense equipment has procedures and does not use intermediary services.

Then in 1955-1960 APRI updated its defense equipment according to the needs of each force. Renewal of the defense equipment was carried out to replace the defense equipment used by the Dutch military which was considered obsolete because it was produced during World War II and the hours of operation were too high. In addition, APRI in that period wanted to catch up considering the development of the defense equipment which at that time was increasingly up-to- date. In order to achieve the reform of defense equipment, APRI procured defense equipment from the West Block and East Block. In the process, there were various obstacles so that the Indonesian government decided to procure defense equipment from the Eastern Block.

In the 1960s the Indonesian government assisted APRI in procuring defense equipment by synergizing national interests. The synergistic method was quite successful in procuring defense equipment. At this time there was procurement of defense equipment because there was a national interest, namely the West Irian issue. Initially only in West Irian, but then passed on to the Malyasia Confrontation. Although the synergistic way to achieve national interests has been quite successful in the procurement of large-scale defense equipment, this method has a negative impact because it burdens the country and leaves behind very high debts.


Kata Kunci : pengadaan alutsista, pengambilalihan alutsista, pembaruan alutsista, dan pengadaan alutsista berskala besar.

  1. S1-2023-399576-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-399576-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-399576-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-399576-title.pdf