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Christophorus Abhirama Ega Nugraha, Dr. rer. pol. Dyah Widiyastuti, S.T., MCP.


Pandemi Covid-19 sangatlah berpengaruh pada berbagai macam segi kehidupan dalam di masyarakat ini. Dampak dari pandemi Covid-19 ini tidak hanya terasa bagi negara-negara di dunia melainkan juga di Indonesia. Semenjak awal pandemi ini terjadi sudah terdapat penurunan kemampuan ekonomi bagi warga Indonesia terutama pada bidang pariwisata. Maka, dari itu penelitian ini ditujukan untuk, (1) Menggambarkan perubahan kondisi objek pariwisata di desa Srimulyo selama pandemi Covid-19 (2) Menganalisis upaya-upaya yang telah dilakukan pengelola objek wisata menghadapi pandemi Covid-19; dan (3) Mengukur efektivitas upaya-upaya yang telah dilakukan pengelola objek wisata di desa Srimulyo selama pandemi Covid-19.

Tujuan penelitian yang pertama didapatkan dengan analisis deskriptif berdasarkan observasi dan hasil wawancara indepth dengan pengelolaan objek wisata kajian di Desa Srimulyo. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengumpulan data sekunder gambar objek wisata yang sama dari masa sebelum pandemi dan semasa pandemi Covid-19 yang berasal dari Google Maps. Tujuan penelitian kedua didapatkan dengan cara yang sama sepeti tujuan pertama yaitu dengan wawancara in-depth dan hasil dari observasi lapangan serta pengumpulan data sekunder dari post Instagram akun objek wisata kajian. Wawancara tersebut bertujuan untuk mengetahui upaya pengelola objek wisata pada aspek Atraksi, Amenitas, Aksesibilitas, dan CHSE. Tujuan ketiga penelitian didapatkan dengan analisis efektivitas upaya pengelola menghadapi pandemi Covid-19. Analisis tersebut berupa analisis engagement rate unggahan akun pengelola objek wisata dengan standar acuan, perbandingan pendapatan dan pengeluaran pengelola, serta rata-rata jumlah pengunjung perbulan.

Sehingga hasil dari penelitian ini adalah, (1) Pandemi Covid-19 sangat berpengaruh terhadap penutupan atraksi dan pembatalan acara yang menimbulkan kerumunan orang; (2) Mayoritas pengelola objek wisata kajian melakukan perbaikan dan peningkatan amenitas dan atraksi, serta menggunakan sosial media; dan (3) seluruh objek wisata kajian pada penelitian ini menggunakan strategi survival pada upaya untuk menghadapi dampak dari pandemi Covid-19 ini.

The Covid-19 pandemic has greatly affected various aspects of life in this community. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is not only felt for countries in the world but also in Indonesia. Since the beginning of this pandemic, there has been a decline in economic capacity for Indonesians, especially in the tourism sector. Therefore, this study is intended to, (1) Describe changes in the condition of tourism objects in Srimulyo village during the Covid-19 pandemic (2) Analyze the efforts that have been made by tourism object managers to deal with the Covid19 pandemic; and (3) Measuring the effectiveness of efforts made by tourism object managers in Srimulyo village during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

The first research objective was obtained by descriptive analysis based on observations and the results of in-depth interviews with the management of study tourism objects in Srimulyo Village. Furthermore, secondary data collection of images of the same tourist attraction from before the pandemic and during the Covid-19 pandemic was carried out from Google Maps. The second research objective was obtained in the same way as the first goal, namely by in-depth interviews and the results of field observations and secondary data collection from Instagram posts of study tourist attraction accounts. The interview aims to find out the efforts of tourism object managers in the aspects of Attractions, Amenities, Accessibility, and CHSE. The third objective of the study was obtained by analyzing the effectiveness of management efforts to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic. The analysis is in the form of an analysis of the engagement rate of the upload of the attraction manager account with reference standards, a comparison of the manager's income and expenses, and the average number of visitors per month.

So the results of this study are, (1) The Covid-19 pandemic greatly affects the closure of attractions and cancellation of events that cause crowds; (2) The majority of study tourism object managers make improvements and improvements to amenities and attractions, and use social media; and (3) all study attractions in this study use survival strategies in an effort to deal with the impact of the Covid19 pandemic.

Kata Kunci : pandemi Covid-19, pariwisata, upaya, pemulihan

  1. S1-2023-429731-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-429731-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-429731-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-429731-title.pdf