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Analisis Hasil Sedimen Di Sub-Das Ciliwung Dengan Metode Swat

Raditya Pradana Yudistira Vheda, Dr. Emilya Nurjani, S.Si., M.Si.


DAS Ciliwung mengalami kondisi yang sangat mengkhawatirkan yang disebabkan oleh
banjir, juga sangat tingginya tingkat erosi dan sedimentasi. Model SWAT (
Soil and Water
Assessment Tool
) adalah suatu model yang digunakan dalam melakukan prediksi dalam
penggunaan lahan dan pengaruhnya pada debit aliran, hasil sedimen, dan material yang terinfiltrasi
dalam sungai ataupun badan air di DAS. Tujuan penelitian ialah mengetahui hasil sedimen di subDAS Ciliwung dengan menjalankan pemodelan SWAT, dan mengetahui zona produksi,
transportasi, dan deposisi di sub-DAS Ciliwung Hulu. Parameter yang dibutuhkan dalam model
SWAT antara lain penggunan lahan, jenis tanah, dan kemiringan lereng serta data curah hujan dan
temperatur. Pemodelan SWAT pada sub-DAS Ciliwung selama 4 tahun (2016-2019)
mengindikasikan bahwa Sub-DAS Ciliwung memiliki rerata hasil sedimen sebesar 1.636.382.31
ton/tahun. Unit HRU ke 39 yang terdapat pada sub-DAS 28, hasil sedimen menjadi yang paling
tinggi yaitu sekitar 103.275,34 ton/tahun. Zona produksi di sub-DAS Ciliwung terdapat pada 43
sub-DAS hasil delineasi otomatis pada pemodelan SWAT yang terletak di area hulu dari sub-DAS
Ciliwung, sedangkan zona transportasi di sub-DAS Ciliwung terdapat pada 43 sub-DAS yang
terletak di area antara hulu dari sub-DAS Ciliwung dan area hilir dari sub-DAS Ciliwung,
sementara zona deposisi di sub-DAS Ciliwung terdapat pada 27 sub-DAS yang terletak di area
hilir dari sub-DAS Ciliwung

Ciliwung Watershed is experiencing very worrying conditions caused by flooding, as well
as very high levels of erosion and sedimentation. SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model
is a model used to make predictions on land use and its effect on flow rate, sediment yield, and
infiltrated material in rivers or water bodies in watersheds. The aim of the study was to determine
the yield of sediment in the Ciliwung sub-watershed by running SWAT modeling, and and to
determine the production, transportation and deposition zones in the upper Ciliwung subwatershed.. Parameters needed in the SWAT model include land use, soil type, and slope as well
as rainfall and temperature data. SWAT modeling in the Ciliwung sub-watershed for 4 years
(2016-2019) indicates that the Ciliwung sub-watershed has an average sediment yield of
1,636,382.31 tons/year. The 39th HRU unit, which is in sub-DAS 28, has the highest sediment rate,
which is around 103,275.34 tons/year. The production zone in the Ciliwung sub-watershed is
found in 43 sub-watersheds resulting from automatic delineation in SWAT modeling which are
located in the upstream area of the Ciliwung sub-watershed, while the transportation zone in the
Ciliwung sub-watershed is found in 43 sub-watersheds which are located in the area between the
upstream from the Ciliwung sub-watershed and the downstream area of the Ciliwung subwatershed, while the deposition zone in the Ciliwung sub-watershed is found in 27 sub-watersheds
located in the downstream area of the Ciliwung sub-watershed

Kata Kunci : Hasil Sedimen, Ciliwung Hulu, Pemodelan, SWAT,Sediment, Upper Ciliwung, Modeling

  1. S1-2023-429689-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-429689-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-429689-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-429689-title.pdf