Potensi Pemanfaatan Pucuk Tebu untuk Meningkatkan Nilai Ekonomi Usaha Sapi Potong Penggemukan di Kecamatan Bambanglipuro Kabupaten Bantul
Retno Widiyawati, Prof. Dr. Ir. Rini Widiati, M.S., IPU.; Ir. Cuk Tri Noviandi, S.Pt., M.Anim.St., Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN Eng.
2023 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Peternakan
Manajemen pakan sangat penting pada usaha ternak karena mengambil biaya variabel terbesar yang mempengaruhi keuntungan peternak. Pucuk tebu dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sebagai pakan alternatif terutama ternak ruminansia untuk meningkatkan nilai ekonomi usaha. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) mengidentifikasi pakan pada usaha penggemukan sapi potong rakyat dan menilai pendapatan atas biaya variabel pakan (IOFC) pada existing condition, 2) menyusun formulasi ransum biaya termurah dengan bahan dasar pucuk tebu sebagai penyusun complete feed untuk penggemukan sapi potong, 3) menilai potensi ekonomi pucuk tebu sebagai bahan pakan penggemukan sapi potong rakyat. Lokasi penelitian di Kecamatan Bambanglipuro Kabupaten Bantul. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 30 ekor sapi jantan penggemukan silangan Simental dan/atau Limousin berumur 1–2 tahun yang dipilih secara judgemental sampling. Pengambilan data dengan survei melalui wawancara kepada 19 responden peternak pemilik sapi sampel. Pengukuran estimasi bobot badan sapi menggunakan pita ukur Animal Weight Tape Wintape disertai observasi bahan pakan lokal sebagai dasar penyusunan formulasi complete feed berbasis pucuk tebu. Perhitungan Least Cost Ration (LCR) menggunakan program Microsoft Excel dengan simulasi pada target ADG 0,5; 0,75; 1,0; dan 1,2 kg/ekor/hari. Komposisi pakan terdiri dari pucuk tebu dan konsentrat dengan persentase 80:20; 70:30; dan 60:40. Perbedaan nilai ekonomi estimasi IOFC pada existing condition dan hasil perhitungan LCR dianalisis dengan uji One Way ANOVA, dilanjutkan uji Duncan dengan bantuan SPSS versi 20. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pakan as fed pada existing condition sebesar 21,4 ± 13,3 kg/ekor/hari dengan estimasi ADG sebesar 0,69 ± 0,15 kg/ekor/hari, dan IOFC sebesar Rp. 11.285 ± 11.180/ekor/hari. Seluruh formulasi pada target ADG 0,75 kg/ekor/hari dan 0,5 kg/ekor/hari secara signifikan berpotensi meningkatkan IOFC. Formulasi pada simulasi target ADG 0,75 kg/ekor/hari dengan perbandingan pucuk tebu dan konsentrat 80:20, menghasilkan estimasi IOFC paling tinggi, yaitu Rp. 23.219/ekor/hari. Pucuk tebu sebagai bahan complete feed mempunyai potensi dapat meningkatkan IOFC usaha penggemukan sapi potong dibanding existing condition.
Feed management is very important in livestock business because it takes the highest cost variable that affects breeders' profits. Sugarcane tops can be used as alternative feed, especially for ruminants to increase the economic value of the business. Sugarcane tops cannot be used as food, but can be used as feed, especially for ruminants such as cattle. The importance of feed management in livestock business because it takes the highest variable costs, so it greatly affects profits. The study aimed to 1) identify the feed in the smallholder beef cattle fattening and assess the income over feed cost (IOFC) on existing condition, 2) prepare the least cost ration formulation of sugarcane tops as complete feed raw material for fattening beef cattle, 3) asses the economic potential of sugarcane tops as feedstuff for smallholder beef cattle fattening. The research location was Bambanglipuro District in Bantul Regency.The study was conducted at 30 Simmental and/or Limousin crossbred fattening beef cattle aged 1-2 years which were selected by judgemental sampling by a survey through interviews to 19 breeder respondents of the sample cattle owner. Measurement of the estimated cattle body weight using measuring tape Animal Weight Tape Wintape accompanied by observation of the local feedstuffs as the basis for complete feed formulation based on sugarcane tops with Least Cost Ration using Microsoft Excel program with simulations at 0.5; 0.75; 1.0; and 1.2 kg/head/day ADG target. The feed composition consists of sugarcane tops and concentrate with ratios of 80:20; 70:30; and 60:40. The estimated economic value differences of IOFC on existing condition and LCR calculation results were analyzed by One Way ANOVA test, continued with Duncan's test with the help of SPSS version 20. The results showed that as-fed feeding on existing condition was 21.4 ± 13.3 kg/head/day with the estimated ADG was 0.69 ± 0.15 kg/head/day, and the IOFC was IDR 11,285 ± 11,180/head/day. All formulations at 0.75 kg/head/day and 0.5 kg/head/day ADG target had potency to increase IOFC significantly. The formulation at 0.75 kg/head/day ADG target with 80:20 sugarcane tops and concentrate ratio resulted the highest estimated IOFC, namely IDR 23.219/head/day. Sugarcane tops as a complete feed ingredient had potency to increase the IOFC of beef cattle fattening business compared to existing condition.
Kata Kunci : Complete feed, Potensi, Pucuk tebu, Sapi potong penggemukan / Complete feed, Fattening beef cattle, Potential, Sugarcane tops