Unsur-Unsur Intrinsik Cerpen "Al-Bintu Al-Mutazammiratu Wa Al-Balunatu" dalam Antologi Cerpen Al-'Alya`u karya 'Alya' 'Abd al-Bari: Analisis Struktural
Fina Safira Aulia, Dr. Mahmudah, S.S., M.Hum.
2023 | Skripsi | SASTRA ARAB
This research aims to reveal the intrinsic elements that build explain
the short story "Al-Bintu Al-Mutazammiratu Wa Al-Balunatu" by 'Alya' 'Abd al-Bari. The elements studied include story fact, characterization, plot,
theme, title, and point of view. All these elements are analyzed using
structural theory.
Based on the short story analysis, it is known that the main character
in this short story is Dina. Dina is a student who often complains about his
life situation. The additional characters are Dina's father, Dina's mother,
King, Queen, Palace Guards and Servants. The plot used is progressive plot. The
setting of the place in this short story is grouped into two types, namely the
setting of the place in real life and the setting of the place in the dream.
The setting in the real world consists of houses and rooms. The background of
the place in the dream is above the clouds, above the sea, in the palace, and
in the king's daughter's room. Likewise, the time setting is also grouped into
two types. The real-life time setting is in the afternoon and the dream time
setting is at night. The theme of the short story is that one's real happiness
is to be grateful for what one has. The title of the short story "Al-Bintu
Al-Mutazammiratu Wa Al-Balunatu" refers to the main character, namely al
Bintu who is Dina, and Al-Balunatu which is an important event in the short
story, namely when Dina fell a sleep and dreamed of riding balloons that carried
her flying towards a dream palace that makes him aware of true happiness is to
be grateful for what she has. The point of view used is limited third person
point of view. The intrinsic elements in this short story have a relationship,
namely between the title and the characters, the theme and the plot so as to
form the meaning of the complete story.
Kata Kunci : cerita pendek, "Al-Bintu Al-Mutazammiratu Wa Al-Balunatu", 'Alya' 'Abd al-Bari, analisis struktural.