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Produktivitas Dan Persentase Karkas Itik Hibrida Yang Diberi Pakan Dengan Penambahan Tepung Fullfat Dan Defatted Larva Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens)

Chrisfania Jhunie Igsharisty, Dr. Ir. Muhsin Al Anas, S.Pt., IPP.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui produktivitas dan persentase karkas itik hibrida yang diberi pakan dengan penambahan tepung fullfat dan defatted Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) atau Hermetia illucens. Penelitian ini menggunakan 140 ekor itik hibrida dengan masa pemeliharaan 42 hari. Pakan yang diberikan yaitu konsentrat BR secara ad libitum pada umur pemeliharaan 1 sampai 10 hari. Umur pemeliharaan 11 sampai 42 hari diberikan pakan perlakuan. Terdapat 5 perlakuan pakan yaitu P0 (kontrol), P1 (fullfat BSFL 8% atau FF BSFL 8%), P2 (fullfat BSFL 16% atau FF BSFL 16%), P3 (defatted BSFL 8% atau DF BSFL 8%), dan P4 (defatted BSFL 16% atau DF BSFL 16%). Setiap perlakuan dilakukan 4 kali pengulangan dengan 7 ekor itik per perlakuan. Pakan diberikan dua kali sehari pada pagi dan sore hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi itik yang diberi pakan mengandung DF BSFL (8 dan 16%) lebih rendah dibandingkan perlakuan pakan kontrol dan FF BSFL 16%, tetapi tidak berbeda nyata pada FF BSFL level 8%. Penggunaan BSFL, baik fullfat dan defatted menurunkan penambahan bobot badan (P<0>fullfat BSFL (8 dan 16%) dan defatted BSFL (8 dan 16%) tidak bermanfaat bagi produktivitas dan persentase karkas itik hibrida.

The aim this study was to determine the productivity and carcass percentage of hybrid duck which one feed with addition meal of fullfat and defatted Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) atau Hermetia illucens. This study used 140 day old duck (DOD) hybrid duck during 42 days treatment. The feed given was BR concentrate ad libitum at the breeding age of 1 to 10 days. The 11-42 days of breeding age are given the feed treatment. There are 5 feed treatments, which are P0 (control), P1 (8% fullfat BSFL), P2 (16% fullfat BSFL or FF  BSFL), P3 (8% defatted BSFL or DF BSFL), and P4 (16% defatted BSFL or DF BSFL). Every treatment is given 4 times to replicate for 7 ducks in every treatment. The feed is given 2 times a day every morning and noon. The research shows that consumption of ducks that contain defatted BSFL (8% and 16%) are less than control and 16% full-fat BSFL group, but no significant differences on 8% fullfat BSFL. The usage of BSFL, whether fullfat and defatted, does decrease the body weight addition (p<0>defatted BSFL treatment shows the lowest. The same thing also happened to the final body weight of the ducks which decreased in the BSFL feed addition (p<0>fullfat BSFL and defatted BSFL with the level of 8% are no difference with the control group. However, the fullfat and defatted BSFL on the level of 16% increased the feed conversion. The 16% fullfat BSFL treatment does not impact on carcass reduction, but decreased on the 16% fullfat BSFL treatment. The addition of 8% and 16% defatted BSFL decreased carcass weight. This research can be concluded the addition of full fat BSFL (8 and 16%) and defatted BSFL (8 and 16%) did not benefit the productivity and carcass percentage of hybrid ducks.

Kata Kunci : BSFL, Defatted, Fullfat, Itik, Pakan

  1. S1-2023-442960-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-442960-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-442960-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-442960-title.pdf