Analisis Performa Aplikasi Augmented Reality untuk Pengenalan Tokoh Wayang Berbasis Web App dan Android App
Abdurikho Min Khoiri, Dr. Bimo Sunarfri Hantono, S.T., M.Eng.; Dani Adhipta, S.Si., M.T.
The art of wayang performance is one of the assets owned by Indonesia. In this era of technological advances, many Indonesia’s young generations don’t know about wayang performances. If this continues into the future, it is feared that the art of wayang performances will disappear. To prevent this, media is needed to introduce the young generation to wayang performances in a fun way. One of the media that can be used is to create simple Augmented Reality (AR) application that displays characters from wayang performances. AR technology is a technology that makes it possible to display digital objects in a physical environment. At present, there are many technologies that can be used to assist in the development of AR applications. Some of these technologies include Vuforia, ARToolKit, Metaio, Wikitude, D’Fusion, ARmedia, AR.js, AWE.js and Argon.js. The technology mentioned above is a technology for developing web-based and mobile-based AR applications, for both Android and iOS devices. AR applications developed based on Web App and those developed based on mobile devices certainly have different performance when running.
The main objective of this research is to develop a simple AR application for the recognition of wayang characters based on Web App and Android App. In addition, the main objective of this research is to analyze the performance of AR applications developed based on Web App and Android App. AR applications will be developed using the marker based AR method with the help of the Vuforia SDK and the AR.js library. In performance testing, the parameters to be used are CPU utilization and memory usage. From the results of the tests, it was found that the average CPU utilization in Web-based applications was around 6-13% for 3D objects and about 4-6% for 2D objects, while in Android-based applications the average CPU utilization was around 13-18% for 3D objects and about 12-15% for 2D objects. From the test results it was also found that the average memory usage in Web-based applications was around 226-277 MB for 3D objects and about 168-206 MB for 2D objects, while in Android-based applications the average memory usage was around 231-293 MB for 3D objects and about 210-241 MB for 2D objects.
Kata Kunci : Performance, Augmented Reality, Android App, Web App, Wayang