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Green Growth as The Green-Economy Nexus Rearticulation of South Korean Developmentalism

Veronica Ayu Pangestika, Dr. Riza Noer Arfani

2023 | Skripsi | Ilmu Hubungan Internasional

Pada 2008, Korea Selatan mengawali penerapan strategi Green Growth sebagai kerangka yang memfasilitasi transisi menuju pembangunan ekonomi yang rendah emisi. Skala implementasi strategi Green Growth di bawah naungan Presiden Lee Myung-bak yang merupakan penggagasnya— merefleksikan komitmen serius pemerintah untuk beralih menuju transisi  ekonomi hijau. Akan tetapi, pelaksanaan Green Growth di Korea Selatan memperlihatkan karakteristik yang serupa dengan fitur developmentalisme negara khas masa pembangunan ekonomi awal di negara tersebut. Selain itu, tulisan ini mengidentifikasi modernisasi ekologi yang fungsinya sebagai basis logika bagi pengadopsian strategi Green Growth. Melalui logika modernisasi ekologi di baliknya, Green Growth muncul sebagai pengejawantahan kembali developmentalisme negara dengan wajah hijau. Fitur-fitur developmentalisme ini diamati melalui dinamika pembangunan Four Major Rivers Restoration Project.

In 2008, South Korea launched the Green Growth strategy as a framework to facilitate its transition into a greener economic development pathway. The scale of implementation of the Green Growth strategy under Lee Myung-bak’s administration as its proponent, reflected the ambitious commitment to embark on a green transition. However, the deployment of Green Growth in South Korea exhibited coinciding characteristics of state developmentalism— features that underpinned the trajectory of economic development in its early days in the country. Along these contours, this thesis identifies ecological modernisation logic that underlies the operationalisation of the Green Growth strategy. This thesis explores the ways in which Green Growth acted as a juncture where state developmentalism and ecological modernisation converged. Through the adoption of ecological modernisation logic, Green Growth became the avenue for the reinvention of developmentalism in its green skin. The rearticulation of developmentalism through Green Growth is explored via the reflection on the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project. 

Kata Kunci : Green Growth, state developmentalism, ecological modernisation, green capitalism

  1. S1-2023-444339-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-444339-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-444339-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-444339-title.pdf