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Beyond the Myth of Homogeneous Community: How Different Classes of Street Vendors Responses to the Relocation Policy in Malioboro, Yogyakarta

Justyn Rachel Archiles, Muchtar Habibi, S.I.P, M.A., Ph.D.


The relocation of street vendors from Malioboro Street to Teras Malioboro has been impactful for street vendors. However, the street vendors are usually seen as a homogeneous community that responds to the policy similarly. This research aims to analyze the different responses of each class of street vendors in response to the relocation policy from Malioboro Street to Teras Malioboro. This research attempts to give a new perspective on the different classes of street vendors in response to government policy. This study used qualitative methods of research and also a study case. The unit of analysis in this research also consists of street vendors, which are divided into 3 categories: employers, PCPs, and employees. Each class of street vendors responds to the policy differently. Employers believed in the long-term benefits of the policy. PCPs are struggling with the relocation because it has lowered their income drastically. Employees agreed with the relocation because it provided them with a decent place to work. Street vendors are socially differentiated based on their work or task. The relocation itself was quite impactful for the street vendors, especially the PCPs, who are not satisfied with the relocation. This study can serve as a future reference for policymakers as they create policies that are more sensitive to the existence of certain classes of street vendors. Furthermore, this study can challenge future studies to consider the social differences between street vendors. 

The relocation of street vendors from Malioboro Street to Teras Malioboro has been impactful for street vendors. However, the street vendors are usually seen as a homogeneous community that responds to the policy similarly. This research aims to analyze the different responses of each class of street vendors in response to the relocation policy from Malioboro Street to Teras Malioboro. This research attempts to give a new perspective on the different classes of street vendors in response to government policy. This study used qualitative methods of research and also a study case. The unit of analysis in this research also consists of street vendors, which are divided into 3 categories: employers, PCPs, and employees. Each class of street vendors responds to the policy differently. Employers believed in the long-term benefits of the policy. PCPs are struggling with the relocation because it has lowered their income drastically. Employees agreed with the relocation because it provided them with a decent place to work. Street vendors are socially differentiated based on their work or task. The relocation itself was quite impactful for the street vendors, especially the PCPs, who are not satisfied with the relocation. This study can serve as a future reference for policymakers as they create policies that are more sensitive to the existence of certain classes of street vendors. Furthermore, this study can challenge future studies to consider the social differences between street vendors.

Kata Kunci : Street Vendors, Relocation, Classes, Response

  1. S1-2023-438508-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-438508-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-438508-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-438508-title.pdf