Kontaminasi Mikroplastik di Sungai Gajahwong, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta: Akumulasi di Ikan, Interaksi Logam Berat, dan Penilaian Risiko Kesehatan
Arief Maulana Sabilillah, Dr.rer.nat. Andhika Puspito Nugroho, S.Si., M.Si.
2023 | Skripsi | BIOLOGI
Sungai Gajahwong merupakan sungai terbesar di
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta yang terancam oleh pencemaran mikroplastik dan logam
berat. Peningkatan kepadatan penduduk disekitar sungai memperparah pencemaran
sepanjang aliran sungai. Penelitian mengenai risiko kesehatan yang ditimbulkan
dari pencemaran mikroplastik dan asosiasinya dengan logam berat masih jarang
dilakukan di Indonesia, padahal masyarakat umum mengonsumsi ikan dari Sungai
Gajahwong. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mempelajari pencemaran mikroplastik pada
ikan dan air Sungai Gajahwong, interaksinya dengan logam berat, serta menilai
risiko kesehatannya. Sampel air dan ikan dikoleksi dari tiga stasiun. Mikroplastik
diekstrak dari insang, otot, dan saluran pencernaan serta air permukaan. Karakterisasi
berdasarkan bentuk, warna, ukuran, dan jumlah. Analisis FTIR untuk
mengidentifikasi jenis polimer. Analisis SEM-EDS untuk mengidentifikasi
permukaan mikroplastik dan mengonfirmasi keberadaan logam berat. Analisis FAAS untuk
mengevaluasi konsentrasi logam berat pada sampel air, otot ikan, dan
mikroplastik yang diekstraksi dari keduanya. Penilaian PHI, PLI, dan PERI untuk
menilai risiko ekologis dari pencemaran mikroplastik. Penilaian EDI untuk
mengestimasi konsumsi mikroplastik dan logam berat harian. Air dan ikan Sungai
Gajahwong telah terkontaminasi mikroplastik dan logam berat. Mikroplastik yang
ditemukan didominasi oleh bentuk fiber, berpolimer LDPE, berukuran kecil hingga
sedang dengan warna hijau, hitam, dan merah. Saluran pencernaan ikan memiliki
tingkat akumulasi mikroplastik tertinggi. Air dari stasiun G2 paling tercemar
mikroplastik. Cd dan Pb dapat berasosiasi dengan mikroplastik. Konsentrasinya telah
melampaui baku mutu. Penilaian risiko kesehatan menunjukkan bahwa Sungai
Gajahwong berada di tingkat risiko sedang, namun konsumsi ikan masih tergolong
aman. Konsumsi secara berlebihan dan terus menerus dalam jangka panjang dapat
menimbulkan efek merugikan. Mitigasi pencemaran harus segera dilakukan.
The Gajahwong River is the largest river in the
Special Region of Yogyakarta, which is threatened by microplastic and heavy
metal pollution. Increasing population density around the river exacerbated pollution
along the river's flow. Research on the health risks posed by microplastic
pollution and its association with heavy metals is still rarely carried out in
Indonesia, even though the general public consumes fish from the Gajahwong
River. The research was conducted to study microplastic pollution in fish and
Gajahwong River water, its interactions with heavy metals, and its health
risks. Water and fish samples were collected from three stations. Microplastics
are extracted from gills, muscles, and the digestive tract, as well as surface
water. Characterization is based on shape, color, size, and number. FTIR
analysis to identify the type of polymer. SEM-EDS analysis was to identify
microplastic surfaces and confirm the presence of heavy metals. FAAS analysis
was used to evaluate heavy metal concentrations in samples of water, fish
muscle, and microplastics extracted from both. PHI, PLI, and PERI assessments
to assess the ecological risk of microplastic contamination. EDI assessment to
estimate daily consumption of microplastics and heavy metals The water and fish
of the Gajahwong River have been contaminated with microplastics and heavy
metals. The microplastics found were dominated by fibers and LDPE polymers and
were small to medium-sized with green, black, and red colors. The digestive
tract of fish has the highest accumulation rate of microplastics. The water
from station G2 is the most polluted by microplastics. Cd and Pb can be
associated with microplastics. The concentration has exceeded the quality
standard. The health risk assessment shows that the Gajahwong River is at a
moderate risk level, but fish consumption is still relatively safe. Excessive
and continuous consumption over the long term can cause detrimental effects.
Pollution mitigation must be done immediately.
Kata Kunci : Mikroplastik, Logam Berat, Sungai Gajahwong, Ikan, Risiko Kesehatan