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Prarancangan Pabrik Amil Alkohol dari Amil Khlorida dan Natrium Hidroksida dengan Kapasitas 40.000 ton/tahun

Kenmeina Breverega, Ir. Sofiyah, M.T.

2023 | Skripsi | TEKNIK KIMIA

Amil alkohol (C5H11OH) merupakan senyawa alkohol alifatik jenuh yang banyak digunakan pada bidang industri sebagai solven, pelarut organik, dan zat pendispersi serta sebagai bahan baku pembuatan amil asetat. Amil alkohol dapat diproduksi secara komersial melalui hidrolisis amil khlorida. Amil khlorida dan natrium hidroksida 12% direaksikan di dalam tiga reaktor alir tangki berpengaduk dengan penambahan katalis natrium oleat. Proses pada reaktor berlangsung secara isotermal pada suhu 180oC dengan tekanan 10 atm. Reaksi bersifat eksotermis sehingga digunakan jaket pendingin untuk menjaga suhu reaksi. Arus keluar reaktor dialirkan ke dekanter untuk dipisahkan berdasarkan solubilitasnya kemudian dimurnikan dengan menara distilasi sehingga dihasilkan produk bawah berupa amil alkohol dengan kemurnian 99,84%.

Pabrik amil alkohol dirancang dengan kapasitas 40.000 ton/tahun. Pabrik beroperasi selama 24 jam sehari dalam 330 hari setahun. Digunakan bahan baku amil khlorida sebanyak 64.950,5164 ton/tahun dan natrium hidroksida sebanyak 48.741,5251 ton/tahun. Pabrik direncanakan berdiri di Kawasan Industri Cilegon, Provinsi Banten dengan luas 62.525 m² dan menyerap 229 pekerja. Dalam pengoperasiannya, dibutuhkan air sebanyak 312274,9766 kg/jam, udara boiler 7289,0744 kg/jam, udara instrumen 144,7557 m3/jam, listrik sebesar 729,1692 kW.

Pabrik didirikan dengan fixed capital sebesar  Rp352.712.796.916,53 +  $33.001.671,32 dan dijalankan dengan working capital sebesar  Rp7.675.506.109,92 + $51.822.738,14. Produk dijual dengan harga $4.200,00/ton sehingga diperkirakan profit before tax sebesar  $12.954.012,73 dan profit after tax sebesar $9.715.509,54. Pabrik amil alkohol ini tergolong low risk dengan ROI before tax 22,93%, ROI after tax 17,19%, POT before tax 3,13 tahun, POT after tax 3,82 tahun, BEP 55,95%, SDP 33,11%, dan DCFRR 18,05%. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa pabrik ini dinilai layak untuk dikaji lebih lanjut.

Amyl alcohol (C5H11OH) is a saturated aliphatic alcohol compound which is widely used in industry as a solvent and dispersing agent as well as a raw material for making amyl acetate. Amyl alcohol can be produced commercially by hydrolysis of amyl chloride. Amyl chloride and 12% sodium hydroxide reacted in three stirred tank flow reactors with the addition of sodium oleate catalyst. The process in the reactor operates isothermally at 180oC and 10 atm. The reaction is exothermic so that cooling jacket is used to maintain the reaction temperature. The reactor outlet flow is flowed to the decanter to be separated based on its solubility and then purified with a distillation tower produce amyl alcohol with a purity of 99.84% as bottom product.

The amyl alcohol plant is designed with a capacity of 40,000 tons/year. The factory operates 24 hours a day 330 days a year. The raw material used is amyl chloride in the amount of 64,950.5164 tons/year and sodium hydroxide in the amount of 48,741.5251 tons/year. The plant is planned to be established in the Cilegon Industrial Area, Banten Province with an area of 62,525 m² and require 229 workers. For the operation, this plant takes 312274.9766 kg/hour of water, 7289,0744 kg/hour of boiler air, 144.7557 m3/hour of instrument air, and 729,1692 kW of electricity.

The plant was established with a fixed capital of Rp352,712,796,916.53 +  $33,001,671.32 and was run with a working capital of Rp7,675,506,109.92 + $51,822,738.14. The product is sold at a price of $4,200.00/ton, so the estimated profit before tax is $12,954,012.73 and profit after tax is $9,715,509.54. This amyl alcohol factory is classified as low risk with ROI before tax 22.93%, ROI after tax 17.19%, POT before tax 3.13 years, POT after tax 3.82 years, BEP 55.95%, SDP 33.11 %, and DCFRR 18.05%. The results of the evaluation show that this factory is eligible for further study.

Kata Kunci : amil alkohol, amil khlorida, natrium hidroksida, amyl alcohol, amyl chloride, sodium hydroxide

  1. S1-2023-443844-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-443844-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-443844-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-443844-title.pdf