Variasi Dan Hubungan Fenetik Aksesi Kayu Hitam (Diospyros celebica Bakh.) Di Sulawesi Tengah Berdasarkan Penanda Morfologis Dan Anatomis
Alim Ismawati, Prof. Purnomo M.S
2023 | Tesis | S2 Biologi
Diospyros celebica Bakh. merupakan pohon
endemik yang terkadang masih sulit dibedakan secara morfologis dengan genus
Diospyros lain semisal D. rumphii. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
menentukan variasi morfologis dan anatomis serta gambaran hubungan kekerabatan
sampel D. celebica di Sulawesi. Karakter anatomis penampang melintang ranting dibuat
menggunakan metode hands free section,
preparat awetan daun diamati dengan metode penyelubungan parafin, dan preparat
paradermal dibuat dengan merebus daun dengan larutan asam nitrat (HNO3).
Data morfologis dan anatomis yang diperoleh
dianalisis menggunakan dua pendekatan yaitu pendekatan deskriptif dan
pendekatan numerik. Data yang diperoleh selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan Multivariate Statistical Program
MVSP 3.1 dengan metode Unweighted Pair
Group Methods Using Arithmetic Averages (UPGMA) berdasarkan Gower
similarity coefficient untuk analisis clustering
dan pembuatan dendrogram. Dendrogram
dengan garis fenon 0,70 menunjukan penanda morfologi serta korelasi antara
morfologi dan anatomi membentuk tiga klaster dengan topologi dan keanggotaan
yang sama dengan total persentase similaritas sebesar 78,77?n 64.87% , sedangkan penanda anatomi menunjukkan tiga klaster dengan
topologi dan keanggotaan yang berbeda dengan total persentase similaritas
sebesar 61,97%. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa penanda morfologis dan anatomis tidak
kongruen atau hubungan fenetik intraspesies berdasarkan karakter
anatomis pada penelitian ini kurang kuat. Informasi ini mungkin berguna
untuk pengembangan taksonomi dan struktur tumbuhan, serta konservasi.
Diospyros celebica Bakh. is an endemic
tree that is sometimes difficult to distinguish morphologically from other Diospyros
genera such as D. rumphii. This study aims to determine the
morphological and anatomical variations as well as a description of the phenetic
relationship of D. celebica samples in Sulawesi. Anatomical characters
of branch cross-sections were prepared using the hands-free section method,
preserved leaf preparations were observed using the paraffin coating method,
and paradermal preparations were made by boiling the leaves with a solution of
nitric acid (HNO3). The morphological and anatomical data obtained
were analyzed using two approaches, namely the descriptive approach and the numerical
approach. The data obtained were then analyzed using the Multivariate
Statistical Program MVSP 3.1 with the Unweighted Pair Group Methods Using the
Arithmetic Averages (UPGMA) method based on the Gower similarity coefficient
for clustering analysis and making dendrograms. The dendrogram with a phenon
line of 0.70 shows morphological markers and the correlation between morphology
and anatomy forming three clusters with the same topology and membership with a
total similarity percentage of 78.77% and 64.87%, while the anatomical markers
show three clusters with different topology and membership with a total
similarity percentage of 61.97%. This shows that the morphological and
anatomical markers are not congruent or the intraspecies phenetic relationship
based on anatomical characters in this study is not strong enough. This
information may be useful for the development of plant taxonomy and structure,
as well as conservation. relationships based on anatomical characters in this
study were not strong enough to support intraspecies phenetic relationships
based on morphological characters. This information may be useful for the
development of plant taxonomy and structure, as well as conservation.
Kata Kunci : Anatomis, Diospyros celebica Bakh., Diospyros, hubungan kekerabatan, morfologis.