Nanda Tasqia Amaranti, Prof. Drs. Jumina, Ph.D; Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Harno Dwi Pranowo, M.Si.
2023 | Skripsi | KIMIA
Telah dilakukan sintesis selulosa ftalat dari ampas tebu melalui reaksi esterfikasi dan aplikasinya sebagai adsorben logam berat pada minyak bumi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengisolasi selulosa dari ampas tebu, menyintesis selulosa ftalat melalui reaksi esterfikasi, serta mengaplikasikan selulosa ftalat sebagai adsorben logam Ni dan V pada minyak bumi.
Ampas tebu mula-mula dikeringkan dan digiling menjadi ukuran yang lebih kecil. Proses delignifikasi ampas tebu dilakukan menggunakan NaOH 17,5 %, kemudian campuran direfluks selama 3 jam pada suhu 80-85 °C. Isolasi alfa selulosa dilakukan menggunakan CH3COOH 80 ?n HNO3 65 ?ngan perbandingan 10:1. Campuran juga direfluks selama 3 jam pada suhu 80-85 °C. Sintesis selulosa ftalat dilakukan menggunakan 2 perbandingan massa alfa selulosa dan ftalat anhidrida yaitu 1:1 dan 1:3 menggunakan pelarut asetonitril dan direfluks selama 3 jam pada suhu 80-85 °C. Hasil isolasi alfa selulosa dan sintesis selulosa ftalat dikarakterisasi menggunakan FTIR dan SEM-EDX. Aplikasi selulosa ftalat sebagai adsorben logam Ni dan V dilakukan dengan variasi massa 0,1; 0,2; 0,3; dan 0,4 g terhadap 5 g sampel RFCC minyak bumi dari PT Pertamina. Hasil adsorpsi dianalisis menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis dengan pengompleks PAR.
Rendemen selulosa ftalat 1:1 dan 1:3 berturut-turut sebesar 54,29 ?n 61,96 %. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adsorben selulosa ftalat efektif menyerap logam Ni dan V dengan bobot 400 mg dengan persen adsorpsi logam Ni sebesar 26,17 ?n logam V 22,46 %. Modifikasi selulosa membuat kapasitas adsorpsinya semakin besar.
The synthesis of cellulose phthalate from bagasse through an esterification reaction and its application as a heavy metal adsorbent in petroleum has been carried out. The aims of this research were to isolate cellulose from bagasse, to synthesize cellulose phthalate through an esterification reaction, and to apply cellulose phthalate as an adsorbent for Ni and V metal ions in petroleum.
At first, the bagasse was dried and ground to a smaller size. The process of delignification of bagasse was carried out using NaOH 17.5%, and then the mixture was refluxed for 3 hours at a temperature of 80-85°C. The isolation of alpha cellulose was performed with 80 % CH3COOH and 65% HNO3 with a ratio of 10:1. The mixture was also refluxed for 3 hours at 80-85°C. The synthesis of cellulose phthalate was done into two mass ratios of alpha cellulose and phtalic anhydride namely 1:1 and 1:3 using acetonitrile as the solvent and refluxed for 3 hours at 80-85 °C. The resulted alpha cellulose and cellulose phthalate were characterized using FTIR and SEM-EDX. The application of cellulose phthalate as an adsorbent for Ni and V metals was made with a mass variation of 0.1; 0.2; 0.3; and 0.4 g with 5 g of petroleum RFCC samples from PT Pertamina. The adsorption results were analyzed using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer with PAR complexing agent.
The yield of cellulose phthalate 1:1 and 1:3 was 54.29% and 61.96%, respectively. The results showed that the cellulose phthalate adsorbent effectively adsorbed Ni and V metals with a weight of 400 mg with percent adsorption of Ni metal was 26,17 % and V metal was 22,46 %. Modification of cellulose makes the adsorption capacity even greater.
Kata Kunci : adsorpsi, ampas tebu, ftalat anhidrida, minyak bumi, selulosa