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Pengaruh Iklim Mikro Terhadap Produktivitas Lahan untuk Budidaya Tanaman Padi di Kecamatan Karangploso Kabupaten Malang Jawa Timur

Dicky Sultan Mahendra, Chandra Setyawan, S.T.P., M.Eng., Ph.D.; Bayu Dwi Apri Nugroho, S.T.P., M.Eng., Ph.D.

2023 | Skripsi | TEKNIK PERTANIAN

Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh iklim mikro terhadap produktivitas lahan budidaya padi di Kabupaten Karangploso menggunakan pendekatan statistik. Metode statistik yang digunakan untuk menganalisis pengaruh iklim mikro dan produktivitas padi adalah regresi linier dan Student’s T-test. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa ada beberapa korelasi antara iklim mikro dan hasil panen padi. Variabel iklim mikro yang dianalisis adalah curah hujan (mm), kelembaban relatif (%), dan suhu (oC). Didapatkan koefisien korelasi R sebesar R = 0.39 untuk data curah hujan, R = 0.56 untuk data suhu, dan R = 0.08 untuk data RH terhadap produktivitas lahan untuk budidaya tanaman padi. Sehingga, menurut spesifikasi Gillford, terdapat korelasi sedang untuk parameter suhu, korelasi rendah untuk parameter curah hujan, dan korelasi sangat rendah untuk parameter RH. Rendahnya korelasi antara parameter iklim mikro dengan produktivitas lahan padi disebabkan oleh faktor luar seperti sumber daya manusia dan kualitas data yang kurang baik. Semakin besar curah hujan, dan suhu, maka semakin besar produktivitas lahan tanaman padi di Kecamatan Karangploso. Namun sebaliknya, semakin kecil RH maka semakin besar produktivitas lahan tanaman padi di Kecamatan Karangploso.

This research focuses on assessing the impact of microclimate on rice cultivation land productivity in the Karangploso District, employing a statistical methodology. Linear regression and Student's T-test were employed as statistical tools to investigate the relationship between microclimate factors and rice yields. The study findings reveal several correlations between microclimate variables, namely rainfall (mm), relative humidity (%), temperature (oC), and rice productivity. The correlation coefficients indicate a weak positive correlation (R = 0.39) between rainfall and land productivity, a moderate positive correlation (R = 0.56) between temperature and land productivity, and a very weak positive correlation (R = 0.08) between relative humidity and land productivity of rice cultivation. These correlations, evaluated according to Gillford's criteria, indicate that temperature has a moderate influence on productivity, rainfall has a low influence, and relative humidity has a very low influence. These findings were only valid based on the data analysed in Karangploso District alone. The low correlation observed between microclimate parameters and paddy field productivity can be attributed to external factors such as human resources and limitations in data quality. Notably, higher rainfall and temperature positively impact paddy field productivity in the Karangploso District. Conversely, lower relative humidity is associated with increased land productivity of rice plants in the district. In conclusion, this study provides valuable insights into the relationship between microclimate and rice productivity in the Karangploso District. The findings underscore the importance of considering microclimate factors in agricultural planning and management to optimize rice cultivation outcomes in similar regions.

Kata Kunci : Microclimate, Tropical Agriculture, Land Productivity, Rice Crops

  1. S1-2023-400398-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-400398-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-400398-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-400398-title.pdf