Laporkan Masalah


Iswara Mahendra, Prof. Ir. Dyah Maharani, S.Pt., Ph.D., IPM.


Populasi sapi potong di Kabupaten Probolinggo cukup banyak akan tetapi tidak merata. Hal ini terlihat pada data BPS Kabupaten Probolinggo tahun 2021 tercatat populasi sapi potong tertinggi di Kecamatan Maron (13.841 ekor) dan populasi sapi potong terendah di Kecamatan Pajarakan (1.047 ekor). Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan membandingkan NI dan dinamika populasi sapi potong pada tiga kecamatan di Kabupaten Probolinggo. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2022 sampai dengan bulan Maret 2023. Data penelitian diperoleh dari Dinas Pertanian meliputi jumlah kematian sapi potong per tahun, jumlah pengeluaran sapi potong per tahun, jumlah kelahiran pedet per tahun, jumlah pemasukan sapi potong setahun, dan data jumlah populasi sapi potong per tahun pada tiga Kecamatan yaitu populasi tinggi (Kecamatan Maron), populasi sedang (Kecamatan Kotaanyar), dan populasi rendah (Kecamatan Pajarakan) di Kabupaten Probolinggo dari tahun 2017 sampai dengan tahun 2021. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dihitung NI dan dinamika populasi dengan analisis time series. Hasil dari penelitian ini diperoleh nilai NI pada Kecamatan Maron sebesar 39,19%, Kecamatan Kotaanyar sebesar 38,60%, dan Kecamatan Pajarakan sebesar 26,57%. Hasil penelitian terhadap estimasi dinamika populasi di Kecamatan Maron rata-rata kenaikan populasi sapi potong sebesar 5.100 ekor, Kecamatan Kotaanyar rata-rata kenaikan populasi sapi potong sebesar 424 ekor, dan Kecamatan Pajarakan rata-rata penurunan populasi sapi potong sebesar 18 ekor. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan nilai NI di Kecamatan Maron dan Kecamatan Kotaanyar termasuk kategori tinggi, dan Kecamatan Pajarakan termasuk kategori sedang. Sedangkan trend dinamika populasi pada lima tahun mendatang diestimasi Kecamatan Maron dan Kecamatan Kotaanyar mengalami kenaikan populasi, sedangkan di Kecamatan Pajarakan mengalami penurunan.

The population of beef cattle in Probolinggo Regency is quite large, but unevenly distributed. This can be seen from the data of the Central Bureau  of Statistics (BPS) of Probolinggo Regency in 2021, which recorded the highest population of beef cattle in Maron District (13,841 heads) and the lowest population of beef cattle in Pajarakan District (1,047 heads). The research was conducted to determine and compare the Natural Increase and population dynamics of beef cattle in three districts of Probolinggo Regency. The research was conducted from October 2022 to March 2023. The research data was obtained from the Agriculture Office and includes information on the annual mortality rate, expenditure on beef cattle, calf births, beef cattle entries, and the overall beef cattle population in three sub-districts: Maron (with a high population), Kotaanyar (with a moderate population), and Pajarakan (with a low population) within the Probolinggo district, covering the years 2017 to 2021. The obtained data were then used to calculate the NI and population dynamics using time series analysis. The results of this study showed that the NI value in Maron District was 39.19%, 38.60% in Kotaanyar District, and 26.57% in Pajarakan District. The research also estimated the population dynamics, with an average increase in the beef cattle population in Maron District by 5,100 heads, in Kotaanyar District by 424 heads, an average decrease of 18 heads on the beef cattle population in Pajarakan District. Based on the research results, it was concluded that the NI value in Maron and Kotaanyar Districts fell into the high category, while Pajarakan District was in the medium category. Meanwhile, the trend of population dynamics in the next five years for Kecamatan Maron and Kecamatan Kotaanyar was estimated to experience an increase in population, while Kecamatan Pajarakan experienced a decrease.

Kata Kunci : Natural Increase, Dinamika Populasi, Sapi Potong.

  1. S1-2023-439380-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-439380-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-439380-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-439380-title.pdf