Prarancangan PAbrik Asam Vinil Formiat Dari Vinil ALdehid dan Udara Dengan Kapasitas 80.000 Ton/Tahun
Radite Bagas Juraimi Nata, Prof.Ir.Panut Mulyono,M.Eng.,D.Eng.
2023 | Skripsi | TEKNIK KIMIA
Asam vinil formiat (2-propenoic acid/acrylic acid) adalah senyawa yang tidak berwarna dengan fase cairan. Asam vinil formiat banyak digunakan antara lain sebagai lapisan pelindung, pelapis kertas, pemoles lantai, lapisan penutup tekstil, juga sebagai komponen plastik, perekat, pengental untuk emulsi encer, dan superabsorbent polymer (SAP). Hal tersebut mendorong peningkatan kebutuhan asam vinil formiat di industri.
Pabrik asam vinil formiat ini direncanakan akan didirikan pada tahun 2030 dengan kapasitas 80.000 ton/tahun dan beroperasi selama 24 jam per hari dan 330 hari per tahun. Bahan baku yang digunakan berupa vinil aldehid sebanyak 62295,1427 ton/tahun dan udara 40802,7698 sebanyak ton/tahun. Proses yang terjadi di dalam reaktor adalah oksidasi katalitik antara vinil aldehid fasa gas dengan oksigen. Reaksi dijalankan pada reaktor fixed bed multitube pada tekanan 2 atm dan suhu 290oC. Proses pemurnian dilakukan pada unit Menara Distilasi 1 (MD-01) untuk memisahkan sisa reaktan vinil aldehid dan Menara Distilasi 2 (MD-02) untuk meningkatkan kemurnian produk hingga 99%.
Pabrik ini dibangun dengan luas 2,2 hektar dan memiliki karyawan sebanyak 279 orang. Kebutuhan air untuk pabrik sebesar 32,4278 ton/jam yang disuplai dari air laut di sekitar pabrik. Sedangkan kebutuhan listrik pabrik ini sebesar 2,4683 MW yang disuplai dari PLTU Suralaya, Cilegon, Banten.
Untuk menjalankan produksi, dibutuhkan modal tetap sebesar US$ 67,635.925,85 dan modal kerja sebesar US$ 18,869.761,82 dengan faktor lang sebesar 5,9891. Pabrik asam vinil formiat ini tergolong low risk dengan ROI before tax sebesar 25,71%, ROI after tax 19,28%, POT before tax sebesar 3,15 tahun, POT after tax sebesar 3,96 tahun, BEP 52,81%, SDP 23,26%, dan DCFRR 17,54%. Berdasarkan nilai-nilai parameter evaluasi ekonomi di atas, pabrik ini menarik dari segi ekonomi dan layak dikaji lebih lanjut.
Vinyl formic acid (2-propenoic acid/acrylic acid) is a colorless compound with a liquid phase. Vinyl formic acid is widely used as a protective layer, paper coating, floor polish, textile coating, plastic component, adhesive, thickener for aqueous emulsions, and superabsorbent polymer (SAP). It causes an increase in the demand for vinyl formic acid in the industry. The vinyl formic acid plant is planned to be built in 2030 with a capacity of 80,000 tons/year and operates continuously for 24 hours/day and 330 days/year. The raw materials used were vinyl aldehyde as much as 62295.1427 tons/year and air as much as 40802.7698 tons/year. The process that occurs in the reactor is catalytic oxidation between vinyl aldehyde gas phase and oxygen. The reaction was carried out in a multitube fixed bed reactor at a pressure of 2 atm and a temperature of 290oC. The purification process is carried out in Distillation Collumn 1 (MD-01) to separate the remaining vinyl aldehyde reactants and Distillation Collumn 2 (MD-02) to increase product purity up to 99%. The plant is designed to build with an area of 2.2 hectares and has 279 employees. The water requirement for this plant is 32.4278 tons/hour which is supplied from seawater around the plant. Meanwhile, the plant's electricity requirement is 2.4683 MW which is supplied from PLTU Suralaya, Cilegon, Banten. To run the production process, US$ 67,635,925.85 fixed capital is required and US$ 18,869,761.82 working capital is required with a lang factor of 5.9891. This vinyl formic acid plant is classified as low risk with ROI before tax of 25.71%, ROI after tax of 19.28%, POT before tax of 3.15 years, POT after tax of 3.96 years, BEP 52.81%, SDP 23.26%, and DCFRR 17.54%. Based on the economic evaluation parameter values above, this factory is attractive from an economic point of view and deserves further study.
Vinyl formic acid (2-propenoic acid/acrylic acid) is a colorless compound with a liquid phase. Vinyl formic acid is widely used as a protective layer, paper coating, floor polish, textile coating, plastic component, adhesive, thickener for aqueous emulsions, and superabsorbent polymer (SAP). It causes an increase in the demand for vinyl formic acid in the industry.
The vinyl formic acid plant is planned to be built in 2030 with a capacity of 80,000 tons/year and operates continuously for 24 hours/day and 330 days/year. The raw materials used were vinyl aldehyde as much as 62295.1427 tons/year and air as much as 40802.7698 tons/year. The process that occurs in the reactor is catalytic oxidation between vinyl aldehyde gas phase and oxygen. The reaction was carried out in a multitube fixed bed reactor at a pressure of 2 atm and a temperature of 290oC. The purification process is carried out in Distillation Collumn 1 (MD-01) to separate the remaining vinyl aldehyde reactants and Distillation Collumn 2 (MD-02) to increase product purity up to 99%.
The plant is designed to build with an area of 2.2 hectares and has 279 employees. The water requirement for this plant is 32.4278 tons/hour which is supplied from seawater around the plant. Meanwhile, the plant's electricity requirement is 2.4683 MW which is supplied from PLTU Suralaya, Cilegon, Banten.
To run the production process, US$ 67,635,925.85 fixed capital is required and US$ 18,869,761.82 working capital is required with a lang factor of 5.9891. This vinyl formic acid plant is classified as low risk with ROI before tax of 25.71%, ROI after tax of 19.28%, POT before tax of 3.15 years, POT after tax of 3.96 years, BEP 52.81%, SDP 23.26%, and DCFRR 17.54%. Based on the economic evaluation parameter values above, this factory is attractive from an economic point of view and deserves further study.
Kata Kunci : Asam Vinil Formiat, Vinil Aldehid, Udara, Oksidasi Katalitik