Distribusi dan Kelimpahan Ikan Blenny dan Ikan Goby di Zona Intertidal Pantai Porok Kabupaten Gunungkidul
Cantika Chairunnisa Andria, Siti Nurleily Marliana, M.Sc., Ph.D.
2023 | Skripsi | BIOLOGI
Ikan blenny dan ikan goby merupakan
ikan dengan keanekaragaman tinggi dan memiliki peran ekologi sebagai herbivora,
karnivora, dan omnivora. Peran tersebut berfungsi sebagai penjaga stabilitas struktur dan fungsi
ekosistem pada trofik
jaring makanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis distribusi dan kelimpahan ikan
blenny dan goby serta faktor lingkungan
yang memengaruhinya di zona intertidal Pantai Porok Kabupaten Gunungkidul. Penelitian dilakukan pada tanggal 8–9
November 2022 menggunakan metode kuadrat plot.
Hasil penelitian ini yaitu,
ditemukan sebanyak tujuh spesies ikan blenny dan ikan goby di zona intertidal
Pantai Porok yaitu, enam spesies mewakili kelas famili Blenniidae: Blenniella
sp, Blenniella periophthalmus, Blenniella cyanostigma, Blenniella
leopardus, Benniella bilitonensis, dan Parablennius sp.,
serta satu spesies mewakili famili Gobiidae: Acentrogobius caninus. Pola distribusi seluruh spesies kajian berdasarkan analisis indeks Morisita
adalah mengelompok. Berdasarkan analisis struktur komunitas di zona intertidal
Pantai Porok, keanekaragaman ikan blenny dan ikan goby tinggi, kelimpahan
individu antar spesies merata, dan ada yang mendominasi yaitu spesies Acentrogobius caninus. Berdasarkan hasil
analisis regresi linier berganda, kondisi suhu air, suhu udara, kadar oksigen,
kedalaman pool, dan salinitas tidak
memengaruhi kelimpahan ikan blenny dan ikan goby secara signifikan. Faktor lingkungan hanya memengaruhi kelimpahan ikan blenny dan goby sebesar 13,1%.
Sebaliknya, 86,9% kelimpahan ikan blenny dan ikan goby dipengaruhi oleh faktor predator dan ketersediaan habitat.
Blenny fish and goby
fish are fish with high diversity and have ecological roles as herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. These roles
serve as protector of the stability of the structure as well as ecosystemic function
in food web trophic. This study aims
to analyze the distribution and abundance of blenny and goby fish and the characteristics of the environmental factors
that influence them in the intertidal zone of
Porok Beach, Gunungkidul Regency. The research was conducted on 8–9 November
2022 using squared plot method.
There were seven species of blenny fish and goby fish found in the
intertidal zone of Porok Beach namely, six species representing the Blenniidae
family class: Blenniella sp, Blenniella periophthalmus, Blenniella
cyanostigma, Blenniella leopardus, Benniella bilitonensis,
and Parablennius sp., and one species representing the Gobiidae family: Acentrogobius
caninus. The distribution pattern of all studied species based on the
analysis of the Morisita index is clustered. Based on the analysis of community
structure in the intertidal zone of Porok Beach, the diversity of blenny fish
and goby fish is high, the abundance of individuals among species is evenly
distributed, and some species dominate, namely Acentrogobius caninus.
Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis, it was found that water
temperature, air temperature, oxygen levels, pool depth, and salinity did not
significantly affect the abundance of blenny and goby fish. Environmental
factors only affect the abundance of blenny and goby fish by 13.1%. In
contrast, 86.9% of the abundance of blenny and goby fish was influenced by
predator factors and habitat availability.
Kata Kunci : Bleniidae, Gobiidae, ikan amfibi, keanekaragaman, pola distribusi