Analisis Formal dan Informal Sektor pada Lead Acid Battery
Dwi Megah Purnamasari, Prof. Ir. Bertha Maya Sopha, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU, ASEAN Eng.
2023 | Tesis | S2 Teknik Industri
Oleh karena itu peneliti
melakukan analisis terhadap circular supply chain AKI dengan
memperhatikan sektor formal dan informal yang memiliki peran dalam proses daur
ulang AKI bekas pakai yang selanjutnya melihat bagaimana peran masing-masing
sektor baik dalam aspek ekonomi, lingkungan dan regulasi yang diterapkan saat
ini. Dan menghasilkan kesimpulan sebagai berikut: 1) Terdapat interaksi antara
sektor formal dan informal yang dipengaruhi oleh harga dan supply atau demand
dalam model konseptual dan simulasi, 2) Analisis dalam penelitian ini
berdasarkan kepada 3 aspek yaitu ekonomi, lingkungan dan sosial yang dibagi
dalam sektor formal dan informal, 3) Model yang dibangun oleh peneliti mampu
menghitung jumlah lead yang terekstraksi di lingkungan yang dijumlahkan dari
lead ekstraksi formal dan informal sektor, dan 4) Terdapat 5 skenario yang
digunakan dalam experiment model simulasi yaitu tax reduction pada formal
recycler, pemberian subsidi pada formal recycler, pemberian subsidi atau diskon
pada harga AKI, kombinasi tax reduction dan pemberian subsidi pada formal
recycler dan penetapan standard harga AKI dan timbal pada formal dan informal
sektor. Dari kelima skenario tersebut hasil terbaik adalah dengan memberikan
subsidi pada formal recycler mampu meningkatkan formal old LAB market share
hingga 64?ri 47?n timbal yang terekskresi dapat turun kurang lebih 1.200
with the development of the number of motorized vehicles in Indonesia followed
by an increase in the number of one of the components that play an important
role in the activation process of the vehicle, namely Lead Acid Battery (LAB).
LAB or batteries used in motorized vehicles both cars and motorcycles have a
function as a store of electrical power which will then be flowed to other
components in a vehicle. One of the components in LAB is lead, which if not
processed properly during the recycling process will pollute the environment
around the area where the recycling process takes place. Therefore,
the researcher analyzed the circular supply chain of LAB by paying attention to
the formal and informal sectors that have a role in the recycling process of
used LAB and then looking at how the role of each sector both in economic,
environmental and regulatory aspects currently applied. And resulted in the
following conclusions: 1) There are interactions between the formal and
informal sectors that are influenced by price and supply or demand in
conceptual and simulation models, 2) The analysis in this study is based on 3
aspects namely economic, environmental and social which are divided into formal
and informal sectors, 3) The model built by the researcher is able to calculate
the number of leads extracted in the environment which is summed up from the
lead extraction of formal and informal sectors, and 4) There are 5 scenarios
used in the simulation model experiment, namely tax reduction on formal
recycler, subsidy on formal recycler, subsidy or discount on LAB price,
combination of tax reduction and subsidy on formal recycler and standardized
price of LAB and lead in formal and informal sectors. Of the five scenarios,
the best result is that subsidizing formal recycler can increase the formal old
LAB market share to 64% from 47% and the excreted lead can decrease by
approximately 1,200 kg/month.
Kata Kunci : Lead acid battery,formal sector,informal sector,circular supply chain,system dynamic