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Rani Henty Novita, Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K) PRP; dr. Sri Retna Dwidanarti, Sp.Rad (K) Onk.Rad

2023 | Tesis-Spesialis | S2 Radiologi

Latar Belakang: Stroke perdarahan memiliki angka morbiditas dan mortalitas yang tinggi di seluruh dunia, termasuk di Indonesia. Secara klinis, derajat keparahan stroke perdarahan dapat diukur menggunakan skor NIHSS dan diyakini bahwa lokasi serta volume perdarahan intraserebral berkorelasi dengan skor tersebut. Namun permasalahan tersebut belum pernah dilaporkan sebelumnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi antara lokasi dan volume perdarahan intraserebral dengan skor NIHSS pada pasien stroke perdarahan.

Metode: Penelitian analitik observasional dengan desain cross sectional yang melibatkan 47 orang pasien dengan diagnosis stroke perdarahan yang telah menjalani pemeriksaan CT non-kontras di RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta. Data diperoleh secara retrospektif dan sampel dipilih secara consecutive non-random sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan metode One Way ANOVA dan Spearman.

Hasil: Dari 47 orang pasien, didapatkan perbedaan rerata skor NIHSS yang signifikan antara pasien dengan lokasi perdarahan di ganglia basalis dengan infratentorial (selisih 28,2; p = 0,001) dan terdapat perbedaan rerata skor NIHSS yang signifikan antara pasien dengan lokasi perdarahan di lobar dengan infratentorial (selisih 26,0; p < 0>p = 0,819). Terdapat korelasi yang signifikan antara volume perdarahan intraserebral dengan skor NIHSS (p < 0>r = 0,440).

Kesimpulan: Terdapat korelasi antara lokasi dan volume perdarahan intraserebral dengan skor NIHSS

Background: Hemorrhagic stroke has high morbidity and mortality rates worldwide, including in Indonesia. Clinically, the severity of a haemorrhagic stroke can be measured using the NIHSS score, and it is believed that the location and volume of intracerebral hemorrhage correlate with this score. However, this problem has never been reported before. This study aims to determine the correlation between the location and volume of intracerebral hemorrhage with the NIHSS score in hemorrhagic stroke patients.


Methods: An observational analytic study with a cross-sectional design involving 47 patients with a diagnosis of haemorrhagic stroke who underwent non-contrast CT examination at RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta. Data were obtained retrospectively, and samples were selected using consecutive non-random sampling. Data were analyzed using the One Way ANOVA and Spearman methods.


Results: Of the 47 patients, there was a significant difference in the mean NIHSS score between patients with bleeding in the basal ganglia and infratentorial (difference 28.2; p = 0.001) and there was a significant difference in the mean NIHSS score between patients with lobar bleeding and infratentorial (difference 26.0; p < 0 xss=removed xss=removed>


Conclusion: There is a correlation between the location and volume of intracerebral hemorrhage and the NIHSS score


Keywords: hemorrhagic stroke; Tomography, X-Ray Computed; Cerebral Hemorrhage

Kata Kunci : Stroke Perdarahan, CT Scan, Perdarahan serebral

  1. SPESIALIS-2023-487155-abstract.pdf  
  2. SPESIALIS-2023-487155-bibliography.pdf  
  3. SPESIALIS-2023-487155-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. SPESIALIS-2023-487155-title.pdf