Laporkan Masalah


Ajitya Kurnia Hermawati, Prof. Dr. Dra. Erna Kristin, M.Si., Apt ; Dr. Firman, SE., MPH


Latar Belakang : Lead time layanan resep pasien pulang rawat inap dapat mempengaruhi lead time pemulangan pasien rawat inap. Tahun 2022, rata-rata pencapaian lead time layanan resep pasien pulang rawat inap di Farmasi Rawat Inap (FRI) RS Pusat Pertamina (RSPP) masih berfluktuasi (target lead time layanan resep ?30 menit untuk resep non racikan dan ?60 menit untuk resep racikan) dan perlu selalu diupayakan agar tidak mengganggu rencana waktu pemulangan pasien. Dalam mengatasi lead time yang lama, beberapa tools telah disarankan untuk diimplementasikan dalam konsep lean management.

Tujuan : Menilai dampak implementasi lean management terhadap lead time layanan resep pasien pulang rawat inap di FRI RSPP.

Metode : Merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan desain action research. Analisis data kuantitatif menguji perbedaan rata-rata lead time dan menghitung value added ratio (VAR) layanan resep pasien pulang rawat inap sebelum dan setelah implementasi lean management. Analisis kualitatif akan dideskripsikan secara naratif.

Hasil dan pembahasan : Setelah implementasi lean management berupa pengurangan waste defect, waiting, motion, dan extra processing, lead time layanan resep non racikan pasien pulang rawat inap menurun dari 42,6 menit menjadi 25 menit, VAR meningkat dari 18,9% menjadi 27%. Lead time layanan resep racikan pasien pulang rawat inap menurun dari 67 menit menjadi 45,7 menit, VAR meningkat dari 25,2% menjadi 37,9%. Hasil uji statistik menggunakan Mann-Whitney U Test diperoleh signifikansi penurunan rata-rata lead time tersebut.

Kesimpulan : Implementasi lean management terbukti memperbaiki lead time dan meningkatkan efisiensi proses (VAR) layanan resep pasien pulang rawat inap.

Background : Lead time of inpatient discharge prescription services can affect lead time of the inpatient discharge process. In 2022, the average lead time achievement for inpatient discharge prescription services at Pertamina Central Hospital Inpatient Pharmacy is still fluctuating (prescription service lead time target ?30 minutes for non-compounded prescriptions and ?60 minutes for compounded prescriptions) and efforts should always be made so as not to interfere with the patient's discharge plans. To overcome the long lead time, several tools have been suggested to be implemented in the lean management concept.

Objective : To assess the impact of lean management implementation on the lead time of inpatient discharge prescription service at Pertamina Central Hospital Inpatient Pharmacy.

Method : This is a quantitative and qualitative study with an action research design. Quantitative data analysis examines the difference in average lead time and calculates the value added ratio (VAR) of inpatient discharge prescription services before and after lean management implementation. Qualitative analysis will be described narratively.

Result and Discussion : After lean management implementation, in the form of waste reduction of defect, waiting, motion, extra processing, lead time for inpatient discharge prescription services for non-compounded prescription decresed from 42,6 minutes to 25 minutes, VAR increased from 18,9% to 27%. Lead time for inpatient discharge prescription services for compounded prescription decresed from 67 minutes to 45,7 minutes, VAR increased from 25,2% to 37,9%. From the statistical test results using Mann-Whitney U test, the significance of the difference in average lead time was obtained.

Conclusion : The implementation of lean management in inpatient discharge prescription services is proven to improve lead time and increase process efficiency (VAR).

Kata Kunci : Farmasi Rawat Inap, Lean management, Lead time, Resep pulang, RS Pusat Pertamina

  1. S2-2023-486169-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2023-486169-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2023-486169-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2023-486169-title.pdf