Dewi Anggraeni Purnamasari, Prof. Dr. Kumala Dewi, M.Sc.St; Alan Soffan, S.P., M.Sc., Ph.D.
2023 | Tesis | S2 Biologi
Padi hitam (Oryza sativa L. ‘Cempo ireng’ ) merupakan salah satu pangan fungsional yang memiliki kandungan gizi tinggi dan diketahui mampu mencegah berbagai penyakit. Peningkatan permintaan masyarakat terhadap padi hitam tidak diikuti dengan peningkatan produksi tanaman tersebut, hal ini dikarenakan varietas lokal padi yang dibudidayakan memiliki produktivitas rendah dan juga rentan terhadap hama wereng batang coklat (WBC). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi peran metil jasmonat pada pertumbuhan vegetatif, hasil padi hitam, serta ketahanan tanaman terhadap hama wereng batang coklat. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap faktorial; dengan aplikasi metil jasmonat (0 mM, 2,5 mM, 5 mM, dan 10 mM) dan infestasi wereng batang coklat. Aplikasi metil jasmonat yang digunakan dalam penelitian memberikan respon yang berbeda dari tanaman. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan, aplikasi metil jasmonat tunggal menurunkan tinggi tajuk; meningkatkan jumlah daun, anakan, malai; namun tidak berpengaruh terhadap berat 100 butir padi. Aplikasi metil jasmonat dengan infestasi wereng mampu meningkatkan tinggi tajuk, jumlah daun, malai, anakan; namun tidak berpengaruh terhadap berat 100 butir padi. Aplikasi metil jasmonat secara tunggal menurunkan kandungan klorofil, namun meningkatkan kadar klorofil dengan infestasi wereng. Terjadi peningkatan fenol, asam oksalat, dan antosianin yang diberi perlakuan metil jasmonat dan infestasi wereng. Perlakuan dalam penelitian ini tidak berpengaruh terhadap kerapatan stomata, namun meningkatkan jumlah trikoma, dan ketebalan lignin. Berdasarkan analisis perilaku makan WBC pada jaringan floem, dapat dikatakan bahwa perlakuan metil jasmonat pada tanaman padi berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan ketahanan tanaman sebab dapat menekan aktivitas probing WBC pada jaringan floem.
Black rice (Oryza sativa L. 'Cempo Ireng' ) is a functional food that plays an important role in human health. With increasing awareness of public health, many people prefer to consume black rice, but an increase in public demand for black rice is not followed by an increase in production of this crop. This is because locally grown varieties are generally less productive, have longer crop lives and are more prone to pest infestation. One of the factors inhibiting rice growth is the plant susceptibility to pest invasion. Brown planthopper is a major pest affecting rice. Several publications have shown that pest infestation can be minimized by increasing plant resistance through the application of jasmonic acid. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of methyl jasmonate on vegetative growth, plant yield, plant physiological and anatomical responses, and resistance of black rice toward brown planthopper. This study showed that a single application of methyl jasmonate acid reduced height; the number of leaves, shoots and panicles increased; however, it did not affect the weight of 100 grains of rice. Moreover, application of methyl jasmonate with brown pant hopper infestation increased height, number of leaves, panicles and shoots; however, it did not affect the weight of 100 grains of rice. Moreover, single application of methyl jasmonate decreased chlorophyll levels, but increased chlorophyll levels in brown planthopper infestations. There was an increase in phenol, oxalic acid, and anthocyanin treated with methyl jasmonic and planthopper infestations. Application methyl jasmonate in this study did not affect stomatal density, but increased the number of trichomes and lignin thickness. Based on the analysis of brown plant hopper feeding behaviour in phloem tissue, methyl jasmonate application in rice plants increases plant resistance because it can suppress probing activity in phloem tissue.
Kata Kunci : black rice, brown planthopper, growth, methyl jasmonate, resistance